you from,” Marigold jumped in helpfully.
“Oh! Thank you, ma’am. My folks hail from Alabama,” he nodded politely and walked to the end of the room with his toolbox. Winifred’s gaze briefly followed him and then she quickly turned back to her plate of eggs. Ginger thought that Winifred’s interest, for once, did not seem purely academic. In fact if she didn’t know better, she could swear that Winifred was checking out the handyman’s ass.
A car horn blared out front, making Ginger jump.
“Lover boy’s here!” Marigold trilled.
“Watch yourself, or I swear I’ll…I swear I’ll…”
“You’ll what?”
“I’ll make empty threats of violent retribution which I have no intention of actually carrying out,” Ginger snapped.
“Yeah, I thought so. Enjoy. Especially when he asks you out on a date. And you’re not allowed to say no because you promised,” Marigold said smugly.
When she got outside, the sheriff was standing outside the cruiser holding her door open for her. Ginger grudgingly had to admit that, even if the sheriff was the biggest flirt in Blue Moon County, at least he was a gentleman. She tried to remember if Ashmont had ever opened doors for her. Ashmont was big on women’s lib, which was usually nice, but every once in a while, a woman just wants to be treated like a lady, Ginger thought.
“You look nice today,” Loch said, giving her an appreciative once-over.
Ginger blushed. “Why, thank you,” she said. “ Just something I threw on.” After half a dozen outfit changes. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
“This morning we’ll just cruise around town for a little while. I thought you might like to go for a run later. I could show you some of the sights.”
“A run? In the woods?” Ginger asked, startled.
He gave her that smile again, the slow, amused curl of his lips that made her heart beat faster and heat pool between her legs. That smile should be registered as a lethal weapon, she thought. It was just unfair.
“That’s where we usually do it out here. We can run through the center of town, if you want.”
“You mean, like, a run…without our clothes on?” a blush crept over her cheek and up her throat.
“Well, darlin’, I’ve never shifted and run in my clothes. Have you?”
“ Er, no. But I’m a little self conscious about my body,” she muttered. A little? A little didn’t even begin to cover it.
He glanced at her, his gaze running slowly up and down her body like a warm caress, and she quickly crossed her arms over her chest to cover the hardening of her nipples.
“Why? You’re blessed, the way I see it.”
She’d never seen it as a blessing. The constant stares and questions had started in kindergarten and had never let up. “My, you’re quite…unusual looking for a werewolf.”
She had to admit, though, the appreciative stares she’d gotten from men ever since she’d arrived in Blue Moon Junction were quite gratifying.
Before he could pursue the topic of going for a run any more, his cell phone jangled in his pocket and he pulled it out.
“Hello, grandmother. Right now? You sure you need my help right now? Maybe I could send over one of the boys instead? All right, fine, I’ll come over.”
He sighed. “We’re taking a brief detour over to my grandmother’s house. Hope you don’t mind.“
“Of course not,” she said with a smile. Especially because, if his family was anything like hers, there was major potential for watching his grandmother embarrass the heck out of him. Ginger was supposed to behave herself around the sheriff, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t live vicariously.
His grandmother lived on the outskirts of town, in an old red farmhouse with an iron rooster weathervane on the roof.
She was waiting for them on the front porch when they pulled up. She waved at them as they
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