The Bear's Bride (Mail-Order Mates #3)
was meeting him was a lucky woman. She didn’t want to be there when Frank’s date showed up.
    “Karen. It’s Frank,” Amy said a little louder.
    Her sister turned around. “What?”
    Their mother looked confused when Karen slowed just a little but didn’t stop. “Who’s Frank?”
    “No one,” Amy said quickly. “I don’t want a funnel cake anymore. I think I’m sick. I’m going back to the car.”
    Amy turned and fled while her sister called her name. Only when she got near the exit from the park did she realize her mistake. She didn’t have the keys. Now that she was away from Frank, she felt foolish. What if he had seen her running away? He would know how heartbroken she was. It was so embarrassing.
    Amy slowly walked to one of the less popular waterfalls. It was smaller than the big attractions but still pretty. There were almost no other tourists when she got to her favorite spot. She sat on a rock and got comfortable before texting Karen. She apologized for running off and told Karen to let her know when she and their mother were going back to the car.
    The falling water relaxed Amy. She was going to have to explain to her mother who Frank was now that she had run off. She pulled up his number on her phone. She’d give him a ring tomorrow, she decided. Just get it over with and have closure once and for all. She couldn’t believe her luck that she would run into him today of all days.
    She almost slipped off the rock when she heard the rumbling voice behind her. She scrambled to get down. Frank was standing a few feet behind her, looking nervous. He held the roses out toward her. “I wanted to apologize to you and ask you for another chance.”
    Amy’s mouth dropped open. “What is this?”
    “Hold on and let me explain, okay?” Frank took a cautious step forward. “Last time you ran off before we could talk.”
    Amy didn’t take the flowers. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I didn’t want to talk with you.”
    “This is all a big misunderstanding,” Frank said, coming a step closer. “You won’t believe how crazy this is, but I lied to Olivia.”
    “Why are you mentioning Olivia?” When she said the agent’s name, a light bulb went on in Amy’s heard. Everything clicked. Karen had to be behind this. The way she had run toward the kiosk. Her younger sister liked to meander whenever they were out. Usually, they spent a whole day at the Falls and only saw one actual waterfall. Today, they had already seen three and Karen was moving faster than ever. Her little sister just couldn’t stop her meddling.
    “I talked with Karen. I know you think I want to run around and date other people, but that isn’t true.”
    “How can I know that?” Amy said harshly. She wanted to believe him. Looking at him in person made her heart melt a little. His eyes were so sincere. Amy remembered when she had first looked at his picture. He had looked so kind.
    “You were my match. I spoke with Karen and Olivia. I know everything.” Frank held the flowers out to her again. “I’m glad I don’t have to confess to being a bear-shifter too.”
    Amy took the flowers reluctantly. “Why did you lie to Olivia?”
    “I know this might sound crazy to you, but I knew I didn’t need to be matched anymore once I saw you.” Frank took a deep breath. “I knew you were my mate. My bear wouldn’t leave me alone until I talked to you. When we kissed, I knew for sure. You’re my mate, Amy. Once I had you, I didn’t need to meet the woman Olivia had found for me anymore.”
    Amy’s eyes filled with tears. It sounded like music to her ears. His mate. Was it really that easy? It couldn’t be. She’d searched her whole life for her one true love. Now, a man had just announced to her that it was all over. She didn’t have to look anymore. She wanted to believe him. God, did she want it to be true.
    Frank took her hand. “I know you’ve been through a lot and it’s going to take some time for

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