The Best of Si Robertson: Life Lessons from the Lovable Duck Dynasty Uncle & Author of Si-cology 1
By Timothy Bauer
©2013 Timothy Bauer
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Si Robertson: A Short Biography
Chapter 2: Si as an Important Part of the Robertson Clan
Chapter 3: Si and the Duck Commander Business
Chapter 4: Si’s Quirky Personality
Chapter 5: Si’s Life Experiences
Chapter 6: What Everybody Can Learn from Si Robertson
Check Out My Other Books
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2013
Timothy Bauer
Silas Robertson is in no way associated in writing this book and the book only outlines learnings from his/her books and teachings. He/she was not involved in any way while preparing this book.
No part of this book can be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means including recording, scanning, photocopying, electronic or print without written permission from the author. While utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the written content, the readers are advised to follow the guidelines and ideas mentioned herein at their own risk. The author in no case shall be responsible for any personal or commercial damage that can result due to misinterpretation of the information.
This book does not take personal situations into consideration, and therefore may not be fit for every purpose.
If you’re a Duck Dynasty fan, then you should know who often utters this line. Yes, it’s the Robertson clan’s favorite uncle, Si Robertson.
To give you an overview, and if in case you didn’t know, Si Robertson is the youngest brother of the clan’s patriarch, Phil. Si is not only Phil’s brother, but he’s also Phil’s best friend and partner in crime. He’s the crazy one. He throws the punchlines and he does the funny antics. Some even say he’s the life of the series, as it’s pretty serious without him around.
He’s part of the Duck Dynasty main cast, and he’s responsible for making reeds for Duck Commander. People can’t seem to get enough of him either; Uncle Si ended up writing a book called Si-Cology 1 that discussed main events that took place in his colorful life.
Curious yet? Learn all about his childhood, his affinity with brother Phil, his dark days and his experiences during the Vietnam War. Read on to know more about the unique Duck Dynasty uncle, Silas Robertson.
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Chapter 1: Si Robertson: A Short Biography
“I’m like an owl. I don’t give a hoot.” – Si Robertson
How can someone who spells “respect” as R-S-P-E-C-T be loved by so many? How can someone who goofs off at work be missed when his presence isn’t felt?
Only one person can manage that feat – it’s Duck Dynasty’s Si Robertson.
Like what Si said, if there’s anything that you need to know about him, it’s about him being a hard rascal to be figured out.
Know more about Duck Dynasty’s number one uncle.
Si’s Childhood and Early Years
Everybody was born naked. It’s life’s reality. In Si’s case, though, he stayed that way most of his childhood. Si was never really fond of clothes – he usually ran around their farm naked. After all, he was brought into this world in his birthday suit, so he might as well enjoy it.
Silas Merritt Robertson was born on the 27 th of April 1948. His parents were James and Merritt Robertson, and they all lived in a log cabin in Vivian, LA. The cabin they lived in was rustic: they used an outhouse and they didn’t even have hot water for baths.
Si was the youngest of five sons: Jimmy Frank (the eldest), Harold, Tommy and Phil. Aside from his brothers, Si had an older sister named Judy, and a younger sister named Jan who was born a few years after his birth.
Si’s father began working in the oil industry as a roughneck first, then as a tool pusher and as a
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