The Best Paranormal Crime Stories Ever Told
quiet knock on the door. She turned to look as Jorge, the cop who’d gotten babysitting duty today, stuck his head in.
    â€œSorry to leave you stuck here.”
    â€œNo problem. Just beating a poor helpless child at checkers.”
    She waited for him to respond with something funny—Jorge was quick on his feet. But his face just stayed . . . not blank precisely, but neutral.
    â€œThey need you down in pediatrics, now. Looks like a case of child abuse and Doc Gonzales wants you to talk to the little girl.”
    She couldn’t help the instincts that brought her to her feet, but those same instincts were screaming that there was something wrong with Jorge.
    Between her job and having a brother on the force, she’d gotten to know some of the cops pretty well. Nothing bothered Jorge like a child who’d been hurt. She’d seen him cry like a baby when he talked about a car wreck where the child hadn’t survived. But he’d passed this message along to her with all the passion of a hospital switchboard operator.
    In the movies, vampires could make people do what they wanted them to—she couldn’t remember if the people were permanently damaged. Mostly, she was afraid, they just died.
    She glanced down at her watch and shook her head. “You know my rules,” she said. “It’s after six and I’m off shift.”
    Her rules were a standing joke with her brothers and their friends—a serious joke. She’d seen too many people burn out from the stress of her job. So she’d made a list of rules she had to follow, and they’d kept her sane so far. One of her rules was that from eight in the morning until six in the evening she was on the job, outside of those hours she did her best to have a real life. She was breaking it now, with Devonte.
    Instead of calling her on it, Jorge just processed her reply and finally nodded. “All right. I’ll tell them.”
    He didn’t close the door when he left. She went to the doorway and watched him walk mechanically down the hall and through the security door, which he’d left open. Very unlike him to leave a security door open, but he closed it behind him.
    â€œThat was the vampire’s doing wasn’t it?” she asked, looking up.
    The soft growl that eased through the ceiling was somehow reassuring—though she hadn’t forgotten his reservations about how well he’d do against a vampire.
    She went back to Devonte’s bed and made her move on the board. Out in the hall the security door opened again, and someone wearing high heels click-click ed briskly down the hall.
    Stella took a deep breath, settled back on the end of the bed and told Devonte, “Your turn.”
    He looked at the board, but she saw his hand shake as whoever it was in the hallway closed in on them.
    â€œKing me,” he said in a fair approximation of triumph.
    The footsteps stopped in the doorway. Devonte looked over her shoulder and his face went slack with fear. Stella inhaled and took her first look.
    She’d thought a vampire would be young, like her father. Wasn’t that the myth? But this woman had gray hair and wrinkles under her eyes and in the soft, white skin of her neck. She was dressed in a professionally-tailored wine-colored suit. She wore a diamond necklace around her aging neck, and diamond-and-pearl earrings.
    â€œWell,” said Stella, “No one is going to think you look like a cuddly grandma.”
    The woman laughed, her face lighting up with a cheer so genuine that Stella thought she might have liked her if only the laughter didn’t showcase her fangs. “The boy talked, did he? I thought for sure he’d hold his tongue, if only to keep his own secrets. Either that or broadcast it to the world, and then you and I wouldn’t be in this position.”
    She gave Stella a kindly smile that showed off a charminglymismatched pair of dimples. “I am sorry you

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