The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage)

The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage) by Joely Sue Burkhart

Book: The Billionaire Submissive (Billionaires in Bondage) by Joely Sue Burkhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joely Sue Burkhart
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saw even more cleavage this time. The brown of her aureoles peeked above the corset. “Don’t worry, Miss Wruthers, I have a napkin right here. I’m such a slob I always carry around some wipes to clean up after myself.”
    She rose up enough to blot the spilled coffee, giving him a wink that made him think about why she might have napkins and wipes stowed in her bag. Other messes she might find necessary to clean. He very nearly groaned out loud.
    “I’m so sorry, Mr. Morgan.” Miss Wruthers wrung her hands. “Let me get you another cup.”
    He forced himself to turn his head and look at her. Anything to get his gaze off Lilly before he embarrassed himself. “It’s all right, Miss Wruthers.” He even managed a smile, though it was stiff and hurt his face. “This cup is fine, though I’m sure Miss Harrison would like a cup too.”
    “Of course. How do you like your coffee, ma’am?”
    Lilly handed her the wet napkin. “Strong and stout with just a splash of cream to soften the bite.”
    Damn it, she even made coffee sound wicked.
    “Right away.”
    They waited in silence for the promised cup. Lilly watched him with a smile hovering on her luscious lips, while he was afraid he probably looked at her like a poisonous viper was ready to devour him. He drummed his fingers on the desk, which made her lips curve even more. So he picked up the cup and took a big drink, practically spluttering it all over himself when he burned all the taste buds off the top of his tongue. Great. Just what I needed. A sore tongue. If I was going to have a sore tongue, I thought it’d be because…
    He slammed the door shut, locked it and mentally threw away the key.
    “Here’s your cup, ma’am.” His secretary practically thrust the cup into Lilly’s hands and then fled to the door. “If you need anything else, just ring, sir.”
    He waited until the door closed. Then he took another drink of the coffee, carefully this time so he didn’t fry his whole mouth. Another sip. Determined to let her speak first, he refused to even look at her. Even when she bent down to pull something out of her bag again.
    “I took the liberty of making a few adjustments to both contracts after consulting with my personal attorney last night. I’ve written in my requirements and struck out a few clauses that I don’t agree to. Where should we start, Mr. Morgan?”
    He cleared his throat and picked up his favorite pen. His father had given it to him upon his college graduation and he’d carried it ever since. The solid weight of the fountain pen helped him regain his sense of balance and purpose. “Let’s begin with the stained glass commission.” I’ll be on solid ground there.
    She passed the papers to him and sipped her coffee while he scanned through her adjustments. For the most part, she’d accepted his contract, which was pretty standard industry wide promising payment for an art project. She would provide detailed designs within thirty days in writing, and he’d have to approve them, again in writing, before she would begin work to protect herself in the end if he decided he hated the artwork. He would cover the costs of materials and extra labor, including additional workshop space. He nodded, all smart adjustments now that he understood more about her shop’s small setup. She’d also modified the due date to clarify there’d be no penalties incurred but that she’d target the project completion for Christmas, assuming the design and material timetables were all approved on schedule.
    After learning more about the amount of work involved, he was surprised she didn’t add a few additional zeroes to the flat sum of fifty thousand dollars he’d promised above and beyond the cost of materials and labor she’d have to hire out. But she knew her business, and if she was happy with the amount, so be it. She’d be making considerably more as his Mistress anyway.
    He initialed each of the additions and then passed his favorite pen to

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