interjected. “Remember how many of the attacks were initially reported as jihadist activities by first responders, which were later scrubbed and re-written as homegrown tea party terrorists or the like?”
“Yeah, that crap pissed me off,” replied Jason.
“Well, after the initial attacks, there was no attempt at tracking down those responsible. Sure, there were some empty speeches and rhetoric, but no action was ever taken,” added Ed. “After the dust settled, the president quickly forgot about those promises of bringing those responsible to justice. He immediately seized upon the situation to begin implementing his ideology of centralized government control, and never again mentioned the attacks. The governor’s office received numerous reports of high-ranking officials within the DHS and DOD being replaced with individuals who had close ties with known Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. It’s almost as if the attacks were planned, with people involved in the coordination of those attacks being rewarded with promised leadership roles, waiting on the sidelines ready to be plugged right in. Sharia law is being practiced in some areas with no government intervention of any kind. Christians, Jews, and other groups have been run out of those areas, or worse, just like we’ve seen play out overseas time and time again.”
Evan spoke up and said, “I just don’t get it though. Why would a communist or Marxist-minded individual, which many clearly are, team up with Islamic radicals? That makes about as much sense as a rabbit helping a wolf catch a deer. Sure, he’s on the wolf’s good side… up until the point the deer has been eaten, but what keeps the wolf from eating the rabbit next?”
“Nothing; nothing at all. You see, I guess they are thinking in the short term,” Ed explained. “‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’, as the old adage goes. Initially, they both want the same thing. They both dislike the Judeo-Christian ethic the country is founded upon, they both hate capitalism and free markets, and they both hate individual liberty, to name just a few. The only problem is that communism/Marxism/progressivism, whatever you want to call it, is completely incompatible with any religion, not just Christianity. That’s why communist states throughout history have always eradicated religion and became atheist states. You see, you can’t get a man to give up control of his life to another man when he believes his God guides his way, above all others. That’s why our nation was founded on the basic principles of Judeo-Christian ethics, where certain rights are bestowed upon us by our creator, and are governed by no man or system of collectivism, where the majority controls the minority. How those two strange bedfellows go their separate ways in the end of course is an interesting question. I would guess that they both have plans for that in place already.”
“Damn, Ed,” replied Evan. “You sure know how to kill a good mood.”
“Tell me about it. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t in a position to be in the know. It would be a whole lot easier to just be ignorant and go with the flow,” Ed jokingly replied.
“That’s what got us in this problem in the first place,” Jason quickly added. “Everyone was so wrapped up in the political correctness scandal of the day, or their reality shows, that not enough people were paying attention.”
“Amen to that,” Ed said in agreement.
“Well, guys, as much as I love a good doom and gloom conversation, we should probably get going,” Evan said, changing the subject. “I guess we should put the Maule in the barn. There are a bunch of tarps out there we can cover it up with. That’ll make sure it doesn’t get too filthy to fly without a wash. You never know when we may need some close air support, and we want to keep it ready to scramble,” Evan said with a chuckle. “Then we just need to put the third bike back together and start our trip back
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