The Book of Truths
old country had had the same advantage, many would have advocated the same thing. What good is such power if it is not wielded?” She did not wait for an answer.
    “The first mention ever of a so-called ‘missile gap’ was by JFK in 1958 when he was up for reelection to the Senate. He then ranhis presidential campaign based on trying to catch up to the Russians, when he didn’t know the United States was actually far ahead. That is how effective the propaganda of the CIA and the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex was. Only after he was in office and briefed by the Keep about the reality did he change his views.”
    “You bring up an interesting point,” Pitr said. “If this warhead was kept there as part of a plot to secret away nuclear weapons in the face of mandated drawdowns due to the various treaties over the years, we are facing another critical era with RAD. You mentioned the Keep. Perhaps you should consult with Hannah? She might know something about this.”
    “She might,” Ms. Jones conceded, but it was clear she was not warm to the idea. One did not go to Hannah with anything unless absolutely necessary.
    “My thoughts,” Pitr said carefully, “are that this is more than just a mistake or an oversight.”
    “Mister Kirk, of course, drove to the heart of the matter,” Ms. Jones said. “Pinnacle. It is not a term we have run across.”
    Pitr glanced at his phone. “The Acmes haven’t reported back on it, which means it’s either completely black, completely forgotten, or worse.”
    “I fear worse.”
    “You always do.”
    Ms. Jones did not respond, which Pitr took to mean she was considering his recommendation. They’d been together for so long they could read all the little signs in each other.
    “They’re almost back,” Ms. Jones said, raising a single finger off the bed toward one of the many monitors that lined the wall.
    One of them displayed the image from a video cam on the top of Baldy Mountain, which was fifteen miles northeast of Area 51.The Snake was flying fast and low, treetop level, except there were no trees to top here in Nevada.
    In fact there was pretty much nothing here other than the government facility known to most as Area 51. Which is why it was out here. Founded in 1941 as an auxiliary base to Nellis Air Force Base, adjacent to massive bombing ranges, Area 51 gained its moniker by the simple fact that’s what the location was labeled on a map. There was an Area 50 and an Area 52 and so on in either numeric direction, but 51 held the distinction of having a dry lake bed that was perfectly flat and hard packed. On that lake bed was built a landing strip that currently held the distinction of being the fifth longest in the world at 23,270 feet, or almost four and a half miles. Why it needed to be that long, no one knew anymore, although it had been a backup landing strip for space shuttles and the lake bed made going longer easier. It was built in the days when the US government definitely believed bigger was better.
    Interestingly, the officers’ club wasn’t built before the runway at Area 51.
    Actually, there was no o’club at Area 51.
    Nor was there a golf course.
    That was because it wasn’t the air force that was pumping in the dollars, but rather an organization called Majestic-12 via a massive black budget.
    As the years went on, more and more land in the emptiness of Nevada was gobbled up by various government agencies for various reasons. The Department of Energy grabbed over a thousand square miles to the west of Area 51 in 1951 to test nuclear weapons, and test them they did—over seven hundred. Many of those black-and-white reels of soldiers watching a mushroom cloud in the distance were filmed there.
    The films still survive; the soldiers are another story.
    To the north, Nellis Range is still used, and many conventional bombs are dropped there along with millions of rounds of ordnance being fired. Nothing living lasted out there long. Drone

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