The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set

The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set by MJ Nightingale Page A

Book: The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set by MJ Nightingale Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Nightingale
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Anthology, box set
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her shoulder. Again, even despite her anger, her hunger, her frustration, she felt the current between them. She supposed he felt that way with every pretty girl he took to bed, and there must have been many. For her, this was something different.
    But the fan did sound like a good idea, so she got up, and pulled her shoulder out from under his hand. The shade would be nice as well. She wished she had seen the spot earlier, but it was not in direct view of the front of Big Jimbo’s Barbecue. She walked over and took the seat opposite him. They were sitting down, and no sooner had they sat, when miss long-legged Linda, in the tightest pair of daisy dukes on the planet, came sashaying out of a side door with two milkshakes in her hands.
    “Oh, Linda,” he teased. “You are fast.”
    “That’s what they tell me,” she laughed, not sparing Ronnie a look as she sat on the table her back to Ronnie giving Nikko an excellent view of her thighs.
    “Nikko, if you want to be alone with this . . . this Linda. I’ll go eat in the car,” Ronnie smiled at him.
    He looked from Linda’s spread open thighs to Ronnie’s face, and her words, said with as much disgust as she could muster, couldn’t hide the emotion he saw there. Jealousy. He was slightly pleased, but didn’t want to push his luck with her anymore today. “No, Ronnie. Stay. I really want to get to know you better. Sorry, Linda,” he gave her a sympathetic smile. His way of letting her down easy.
    “Oh, I’m sorry,” Linda stated seemingly noticing Ronnie for the first time. She got up and brushed the debris, and dust from the table off of her backside. She acted confused for a moment, hurt.
    Ronnie felt bad for her for a second, after all he had been flirting mercilessly, and she of all people knew what it was like to face the full effect of the Nikko charm.
    “I’ll be right back with your orders. Sorry, I . . .” she stammered, “misunderstood.” Then she was sashaying back to the cook shack much more quickly than she approached the table. When the door shut with a clang of screen door hitting metal frame, Ronnie shook her head.
    Nikko shrugged his shoulders, “What?” he asked, playing the innocent when Ronnie continued giving him a dirty look.
    “You are a reprehensible flirt. That girl thought you were hitting on her.”
    “Was I?” He continued to play coy and she wasn’t buying it for a second.
    “Seriously Nikko.” She rolled her eyes at him, just shook her head, and began to fiddle with the wrapping on her straw. She popped it into the top of the Styrofoam container, and then took a sip of her strawberry milkshake, a long one.
    He watched her curiously. He knew he had been flirting, but only to make her jealous, and realize what she missed out on last summer by running from him. He began to peel the paper off of his own straw when she finally came up for air. He wished those lips were sucking something else. His cock was enjoying the thought immensely. He was grateful the table was hiding his powerful erection.
    As Ronnie took another pull on the straw she saw Nikko squirm on the seat uncomfortably as he tried to get his straw unwrapped. “Oh yes!” she whispered huskily and licked her lips. She put the straw back in her mouth to suck a little more of the frothy, creamy concoction into her mouth. Two, could play his game, she thought, as his jaw hit the dirt. She could make more out of her enjoyment of the milkshake than she really felt and give him a little dose of his own medicine. She released the straw and then darted out her tongue to lick the tiny bubble of ice cream that appeared on top. Nikko jammed his straw into his own mouth and looked at her fiercely. Smiling and then ignoring him, she popped the straw back into her mouth sucking greedily.
    Nikko’s mouth dropped at the sight of Ronne’s lips on the straw, sucking. And her words practically had him shoot a load like he was a teenaged boy again. His blood was pumping in

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