The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
not, but I didn’t have any reason to doubt
him. It was embarrassing for us both for a month or so, then it was
a joke for a while, now we just ignore it completely. He pulled
back to look at me and gave me one of his nice smiles and my mouth
pulled up into a smile in return. He actually looked really cute
when he smiled like that, funny how I’d only just noticed and I’d
known him forever.
    Jake came out
of nowhere. “Dude, what the fuck? That’s my little sister!” he
shouted at Liam, g rabbing his shoulder
and jerking him away from me.
    “ Jake man,
seriously I was just dancing with her, t hat’s her song!” Liam cried, looking really
    “ Liam, you
need to stay away from my sister, she’s
sixteen for fuck sake. You know what she’s been through. She
doesn’t need guys like you chasing her around!” Jake shouted back,
stepping forwards and getting in Liam’s face. I could tell he was
drunk by the slight touch of red to his ears, they were always the
    “ I would
never hurt her!” Liam growled, their
chests almost touching.
    “ I don’t give
a shit! I said stay away!” Jake shouted .
    I just
shrugged and left them to it, I don’t need to witness their fight,
they’ll be making up in a couple of minutes anyway, they always do.
As I rounded the corner to the kitchen , I
walked smack into a guy I didn’t know. He was maybe a little older
than me, probably Jake’s age, he was really cute. He had black hair
that was quite shaggy; it flicked across his forehead, and almost
covered one of his brown eyes. He smiled and grabbed my waist
steadying me as I swayed. I immediately flinched because he was
touching me, but not too bad because the drink had numbed some of
my brain.
    “Well hello,” he purred with his sexy
    “ Hi.” I
smiled; he hadn’t taken his hands from my waist so I took a step
ba ck to get some personal
    “ I’m Trent.”
He grinned; I noticed that when he smiled
he had really cute little dimples.
    “ Amber, ” I replied, not looking
away from his face, he really was handsome. I didn’t recognise him
from school. “You go to Penn State?” I asked, curious as to why I
didn’t know him if he was at the party.
    He shook his
head and smiled. “No. I’m actually just
here to pick up my little sister, but I can’t find her.”
    “ Oh yeah?
Who’s your sister?” I asked frowning; someone has got one
h ot ass brother I can tell
    “ Jessica
Sanders,” he stated . I couldn’t help my
body’s natural reaction; I turned my nose up a little, which made
him laugh. “Not a big fan, huh?” he asked, still
    “ Oh…. er…. sorry,” I mumbled, looking at him
apologetically and blushing like crazy. I can’t believe I just made
that face at his sister! What an idiot!
    “ Don’t worry
about it; I know she can be a pain in the ass. ”
    “ So , do you want me to help you
find her?” I offered, looking round the kitchen for her. Nope, not
in here. I giggled as I remembered that he’d just walked out of
that room, so of course she wasn’t there!
    “ Nah, she’ll
turn up. How about we get a drink instead?” he suggested,
noddi ng towards the drinks
    “ Yeah OK,
sure.” I smiled as he grabbed two cups and a bottle of Jack
    We did a
couple of shots of it and I was really trashed now. I leant against
him heavily as we chatted and laughed about random stuff that
didn’t even really seem to make sense to me.
Suddenly , he pushed me against the
kitchen counter and pressed his body against mine. The familiar
panic was starting to rise as my heart increased, he was inching
his head forward towards mine. I felt my mouth go dry. Holy crap,
he was going to kiss me! Did I want that? What if he puts his hands
on me or something? My mind was spinning through the thoughts so
fast that I couldn’t even keep up with them all.
    I gasped and
pulled my head back, banging it on the cupboard behind
me , hard enough to make my eyes

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