The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind

The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind by A. K. Pradeep

Book: The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind by A. K. Pradeep Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. K. Pradeep
Tags: Psychology, Non-Fiction
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precious resources—its limited processing ability, and its restricted, focused attention. The brain is determined to protect these resources. Make your interaction quick, clear, and interesting.
    r Be interesting. The brain loves puzzles and humor.
    r Use emotion to reach out to consumers, especially women.
    r Clear your message of clutter. Use white space and clear, simple imagery and copy, particularly if your product lives in a crowded, loud category.

    P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 7, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
    Your Customer’s Brain Is 100,000 Years Old
    r If your brand or product is likely to be part of some “goal-seeking behavior” use active, direct verbs to guide the brain swiftly and directly to its goal.
    r If your brand or product is likely to activate pleasure/reward circuits, indulge the brain in messaging, images, displays, and environments that celebrate the sensuality and deep pleasure likely to be derived from use.
    r Celebrate the multitasking wizardry of your female consumers in images and copy.
    r Provide networking opportunities through your brand, product, or environment for female consumers.

    P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 7, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA

    P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 5, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA

The Brain 101
    At the end of this chapter, you’ll know and be able to use the following:
    r How the brain works and the process of engaging the brain.
    r The structuring principles of the brain.
    r How this will help you understand your customers’ wants and needs.
    To apply neuroscience—the study of the brain—to the consumer marketplace, we must begin with a better understanding of the brain itself. Easily the most complicated organ, and one of the most complex systems in the universe, the human brain warrants lengthy tomes dedicated to its mysteries. For our purposes, however, allow me to provide you with an introductory tour of the brain and how it works in your daily life, in your relationships, in your business, and in the why of what and how you and your customers buy.
    In this decade after “the decade of the brain,” we have learned a great deal about how the brain works. Yet a great deal begs to be discovered: How does the brain produce the delightful individuality of human beings, their personalities, their talents? Where does the concept of “I” begin? Where does idea of “You” come in?
    These lofty questions are zipping through your brain—alongside your shopping list and your knowledge of how to tie your shoes. Every behavior, every intention, every dream begins in the brain.
    Brain Cells
    So let’s begin at the beginning of our journey of understanding: the brain’s cells. The human brain is a network of a hundred billion individual cells, called neurons. Complex and intertwined, those neurons, each electrically charged, could be compared to an endless, sparkling display of stars across a clear, cold night sky. But the metaphor is incomplete. Imagine instead that every one of 33

    P1: OTA/XYZ
    P2: ABC
    June 5, 2010
    Printer Name: Courier Westford, Westford, MA
    The Buying Brain
    those stars is pulsing with electricity, communicating with other star systems through a complex interplay of electrical signals and brain chemicals. Now imagine that each star migrated to its particular place in the universe, pulled by its target system. Imagine further that every newly energized, purposeful star system sets in motion every aspect of your humanity, from breathing and balance, to creativity and insight, to charity and love. It sets us apart from all other species by allowing us to walk on the moon, to compose symphonies and sonnets, to fall in love, and to ponder the universe.
    Neurons are the basic working units of the brain and the central nervous system, designed to

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