The Captain's Lady
he slipped out of the chair and moved over beside her on the bed. Wrapping his arms around her, he soothed and caressed the silky hair. “Shhh, it's all right."
    She stiffened and remained that way for several minutes. Finally she reached up one hand and pushed him away while swatting at his arm with her free hand. “Don't touch me. I thought you were different, that you cared, but you're a liar just like every man I've ever known."
    Tensing at the accusation he held both her arms in a firm grip. “Look at me, dammit.” And he waited until the shy blue-eyed gaze snaked up to meet his. “I didn't lie to you.” The controlled emotion brooked no room for argument. Releasing her arms, he took a firm hold on the wobbly chin, turning the tear-streaked face upward. “Yes, there's a guard at the door. He's there for your protection.” As with a teacup being turned upside down, the fight poured out of her all at once, to be replaced with confusion and fresh tears. “I put the guard there to keep curious crew members away from you."
    "Oh.” The reply was sheepish. “I didn't know ... I'm sorry.” A deep blush crept up her face, accentuating the deep purple and yellow of the fading bruises.
    Eric found himself pleased with the fire she had shown. It proved the depth of her emotions. “It actually never even occurred to me that you would interpret it that way. For the distress it obviously caused you, I am sorry.” He sucked in a breath, hardening his gaze while he looked down again at the adoration she bestowed on him. He smoothed back her hair then abruptly pulled his hand away, clenching it to gain control of the moment.
    "You need to understand that when I give an order on this ship, whatever it is, it's for the good of everyone. Do you understand? My orders are not to be questioned."
    She lowered her chin. “Don't question anything I do here, Abby. This is my ship. I already told you that I would protect you. And by god, I will."
    The hesitancy in her fingers as she reached out and touched his cheek made him just about melt inside. Then the fingers rasped across the shadow of growth on his chin. Eric took in her widening eyes as she jerked her scorched hand back, with a tinge of pink now highlighting her cheeks.
    He reached for the shaky hand and gave it a supportive squeeze. “If you don't understand something I've done, please just ask me. Remember that whatever I decide is the way it will be on this ship. There are reasons why I do something that no one else will be privy to, including you.” Cocking his head to the side, his eyes softened, but the intensity deepened. “Do you understand?"
    "Yes. I'm sorry, please forgive me.” The reply sounded almost breathless as she nodded several times.
    Cupping the back of her head with his hand, he gently stroked her jaw with his thumb. “Just remember I won't hurt you, I promise you that. And I will protect you.” He eased her forward and held her tight. She slowly entwined her arms around his waist. Then, assaulted with an instinctive need for distance, he held her away, running both his hands down her arms before standing and towering above. Without another word, he turned and left, pulling the door closed behind him.
    He remained on the other side of the door for just a second. He nodded to the guard. For the first time he felt unsteady over this growing bond with Abby, unclear where it was going and the crossroads they had reached.
    Inside sickbay, Abby let out a querulous breath. Her nervous laugh filled the still air. How could this man have the power to fill or empty the void that resided deep inside her? Where would they go from here? If anywhere.
    [Back to Table of Contents]


    Chapter Eight
    The enlisted female bunkroom Gail occupied contained eighteen bunks, all filled on this deployment. She lingered in the closed confinement of her rack as four of the women who shared the bunkroom with her gathered by the TV to watch a reality show they were able to

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