The Captives of Kaag

The Captives of Kaag by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Captives of Kaag by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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and curved tusks glinting.
    Gnagusk: COMBAT SKILL  41    ENDURANCE  45
    If you win this combat, turn to 247 .

    You are within a few yards of the passage which leads out of the pen when suddenly the dogs begin howling in alarm.
    ‘Intruder!’ screams one of the handlers, and points accusingly at your back. In an instant your weapon is in your hand and you spin on your heel, ready for combat.
    The handlers jump to their feet and fumble for their weapons as they scramble to attack you.
    ‘For Sommerlund!’ you cry as they approach, and then launch yourself at them in a determined counterattack.
    Drakkarim Handlers: COMBAT SKILL  35    ENDURANCE  39
    If you win this combat, turn to 40 .

    In a moment of vivid realization your Kai senses inform you that this creature is unaffected by normal missiles, yet it is especially vulnerable to fire. Hastily you replace your Arrow in your Quiver and search instead for something capable of igniting a fire.
    If you possess a Lantern, or a Torch
a Tinderbox, turn to 223 .
    If you do not possess any of these items, turn to 14 .

    Using your skill, you will the gigantic Doomwolf to return to sleep. At first it tries to resist, but soon it succumbs to your psychic command and settles down to sleep once more on its bed of filthy straw.
    Rather than attempt to force the door open, you cross the room and investigate its solitary window. It is criss-crossed with iron bars, but on closer examination you discover they are loose and badly corroded. A swift blow with the heels of your hands is enough to dislodge them, allowing you to escape with ease.
    Turn to 329 .

    After what seems like an eternity, the guards draw back their spears and at once the crackling crimson energy ceases to arc between the shafts.
    ‘You may pass,’ they say, without any trace of emotion, and as they stand aside, so the two great doors glide silently open. Steeling yourself, you stride towards the blazing purple light which fills the chamber.
    Turn to 186 .

    The Ashradon comes crashing to the ground with a tremendous noise. Its crumpled wings collide with one of the braziers, knocking it over and scattering glowing coals the length of the hall. One of these coals sets alight the sleeve of Banedon's robe, and you have to act quickly to extinguish the flames before he is badly burned.
    Once more you heave your friend across your shoulders; then you hurry out of the hall and follow the tunnel for almost a mile before you reach a chamber where eight smaller passages disappear off in all directions. You scan these exits and a familiar fear returns to haunt you, a fear that you will never find your way out of Kaag alive.
    Using your innate healing skills, you try once more to revive Banedon. You remember once, during a tutorial at the Kai Monastery, that Banedon conjured up a vision of the monastery and its surrounding estates. You were able to see yourself in miniature, standing in your chambers as if you were a tiny animated doll in a doll's house. If he were able to perform that spell here in Kaag, you might well be able to locate your position and plan a route of escape.
    Mustering your skills, you place your hands on Banedon's chest and transmit your power directly into his heart. (Reduce your ENDURANCE by 3 points.) Gradually he stirs to consciousness and, as his strength returns, rekindled by your healing power, he is able to grant your request. On the floor of the chamber he calls forth a living, three-dimensional vision of Kaag. Gradually this vision expands until you are looking at yourselves, kneeling on the floor of a chamber on one of the upper levels of the central citadel. The vision blurs and fades, but not before you are able to trace the quickest way out of this dreadful place.
    The passage that heads due south from this chamber leads directly to the Zlanbeast pens and landing platforms situated on the exterior wall of the citadel, high above the great South Gate. It is from

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