The Captives of Kaag

The Captives of Kaag by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Captives of Kaag by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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here that you plan to escape, leaving the citadel the same way you entered it: by air.
    Confident that the success of your quest is now within your grasp, you help Banedon to his feet and support him as you make your way along the south passage.
    Turn to 267 .

    The stream of flame catches you full in the face and knocks you sprawling to the ground. Unfortunately your Magnakai skill of Nexus is not effective enough to save you completely from the effects of this super-hot fire: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.
    If you have survived this wounding, you must face the creature; turn to 39 .

    Aching with battle fatigue and the pain of your wounds, you stumble and fall to your knees before the mighty Zavaghar. Cadak laughs like a madman and screams for his creature to finish you off quickly. The beast rises up on its hind legs in readiness to strike you a killing blow, but suddenly, as it reaches its full height, its limbs and torso become stiff and its movements jerky.
    Slay the beast, Lone Wolf! whispers Banedon, the words forming in your mind. I cannot hold it for long.
    You glance to where your friend is lying and see that his trembling hand is stretched out towards the towering Zavaghar. Inspired by his courageousness, you shake off your fatigue and rush forwards to plunge your weapon deep into the exposed belly of the beast, striking it a mortal wound barely moments before Banedon's spell of Holding fails.
    Turn to 248 .

    The temperature rises steadily the deeper you descend this flight of stairs, causing you to give thanks to your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus which is sparing you any pain or discomfort. The stairs end at a chamber constructed of stones which radiate a deep purplish light. It is furnished with tables, chairs, draperies, and carpets, all of a similar hue.
    You are crossing the floor on your way towards a tunnel-like exit on the far side, when suddenly a secret panel opens in the wall and from out of the darkness step two horny-skinned creatures which you recognize immediately. They are Xaghash, brutish lesser Darklords, implacable servants of the evil God Naar.
    They are busily arguing with each other as they lumber into this chamber, and both of them fail to see you at first. But suddenly their senses detect the presence of your pure spirit, and it stirs them to a fearful fury. With frightening ease they hurl aside heavy furniture in their eagerness to attack you.
    If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 62 .
    If you do not, turn to 263 .

    Your Kai skills keep you safe from detection and enable you to cross the Akataz pen unseen. Quietly you enter the deserted passage beyond and press on with your search for Banedon.
    Turn to 304 .

    You are struggling to recover your footing when you hear the metallic twang of a crossbow's drawstring, and feel something hard punch you squarely in the middle of your back. Fortunately, your Backpack has spared you from a fatal wound.
    Driven by fear, you recover your footing and force yourself to the top of the mound. Only when you crest the summit and slide down the far side do you realize that the bolt has damaged one of your Backpack Items beyond repair.
    Erase the item noted as No. 3 on your current list of Backpack Items.
    To continue, turn to 337 .

    You have only just re-entered the chamber when a second bolt slams into the arch of the tunnel. The blast and concussion throws you off-balance and, together with Banedon, you crash headlong to the floor: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
    The fall revives Banedon and, although he is still far too weak to speak or walk, he manages to open his eyes and communicate with you telepathically.
    I know this chamber … he says,  … I have been here before. Look there, at the statue opposite. You'll find a lever concealed at its side. It opens a hidden door. Hurry …
    Guided by Banedon's messages you discover that there is indeed a lever as he described. You pull it and a panel in the stone wall glides open to

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