The Caverns of Kalte

The Caverns of Kalte by Joe Dever

Book: The Caverns of Kalte by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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decide to take shelter in the cave for the night. However as you enter, you are surprised to see a shaft of light falling from a fissure at the rear of the cave.

    You cautiously approach the strange glow, but fail to see a snow covered crevasse and fall in a tumble of snow and ice.
    Turn to 40 .

    As you leap across to the opposite ledge, a tremor shakes the ice and the crevasse suddenly widens. You slip, hitting your head on the edge as you drop into the gaping void. The cord attaching the safety rope to your belt snaps, and you fall into darkness.
    Turn to 21 .

    The corridor ends at a large stone door. Unlike the others, this door has no lever to open it, but you do notice that a small slot has been cut into a nearby wall. You are examining the slot when you are disturbed by a howling mob of mutated Ice Barbarians, advancing along the corridor towards you. You prepare for combat but there are too many of them for you. Although you fight bravely, they eventually overwhelm you and stab you to death.
    Your life and your mission end here.

    The ghastly tentacled horror rises out of the moat and attacks you. You must fight it to the death.
    Akraa'Neonor: COMBAT SKILL  22    ENDURANCE  50
    During the combat, you glimpse Vonotar, his black staff raised, fixing his gaze on Loi-Kymar. He is attacking the old man with the force of his mind. If Loi-Kymar is killed, the secret of his Guildstaff will die with him.
    If you win the combat in seven rounds or less, turn to 272 .
    If you win the combat in more than seven rounds, turn to 324 .

    The bowl creaks and splinters of stone fall from the ceiling as you swing across the black fissure, but you are lucky; the Rope holds and you land safely on the other side. With a flick of your wrist you retrieve the Rope and set off along the passage.
    You have gone only a few yards when you notice an arched stone door to your left, adorned with strange carvings. These carvings depict hundreds of skeletons entwined around smooth blocks of stone. To the side of the door you see that a lever in the wall is raised.

    If you wish to pull the lever and open the door, turn to 110 .
    If you wish to continue along the passage, turn to 63 .

    Baknar are fierce and dangerous creatures. They are afraid of only one thing — fire. Grabbing a torch from the pile of equipment, you light it and leave the tent.
    The wind has become much stronger since you first made camp. It whips the fine snow into small whirlwinds that sting your eyes. A moving shadow to your right betrays the Baknar as it lopes towards you. It is preparing to pounce when it sees your guttering torch and shrieks in terror. Seconds later, it has disappeared into the darkness. A quick check of the Kanu-dogs reveals that they are all safe, although still understandably nervous. To ensure that the Baknar does not attack again, you all take it in turns to sit watch that evening, torches and weapons at the ready.
    Turn to 134 .

    During the night, a fierce blizzard rages, burying your makeshift shelter in over twelve feet of snow. The cold numbs your hands and feet and slowly drains the strength from your body. You slip into a sleep from which you will never awake, for you suffocate to death beneath the snows of Kalte.
    Your mission and your life end here.

    All night you cling to the frozen rock-face. The icy wind whips you and you shiver uncontrollably as you fight to stay conscious. You lose 2 ENDURANCE points. However, the Baknar oil keeps you from losing all your essential body warmth and on this desperate occasion, it saves your life.
    Turn to 155 .

    When you arrive back at the tent, Dyce cooks a delicious meal that fills your stomach and raises your spirits. You have made good progress and, in spite of the physical hardships, you feel confident and eager to continue.
    Irian fetches the sleeping furs from the sledge and you all prepare for a good night's sleep. The only clothes you ever remove are your

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