The Chasm of Doom

The Chasm of Doom by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Chasm of Doom by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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is dead. The Elix has already sunk its needle-like teeth into the poor man's heart.
    Grabbing your weapon you turn to help the other man who is now being attacked by two of the giant war-cats. A third Elix pounces at you as you run across the chamber, but you strike it in mid-air, sending it tumbling into the well.
    Turn to 245 .

    The prop begins to splinter and break in two. A shudder runs through the floor, making you stumble and fall, but you quickly regain your footing. As you sprint to safety, a deluge of earth and stone pours into the tunnel behind. A shock wave from the blast hits you squarely in the back and flattens you to the floor; the air is choked with dust. You stagger to your feet and press on, but it takes you half an hour to reach a section of the tunnel where the air is clear and still and the torches are still burning.
    Turn to 335 .

    On the far side of the boathouse, a narrow slipway descends to a door at river level. One of your men hurries over and raises the stout drawbar while the others carry the rowing boat down the ramp. You push off and clamber aboard, emerging from the boathouse with such a jolt that you are thrown forward in a heap. By the time you have disentangled yourselves, the boat is firmly in the grip of the river current. You grab an oar and fight to keep the boat in the centre of the rushing water as it speeds on its course through the foothills of the Maaken Range. But no sooner has the boat been brought under control than you are confronted by an unexpected hazard: ahead of you the river suddenly disappears into the rock-face beneath a massive granite ledge. It is too late to avoid being swept into the inky black cavern, and as you glide into the darkness, you prepare yourself for any hidden dangers that may lurk inside.
    Turn to 241 .

    The twang of the sniper's bow and the hiss of an arrow are the last sounds that you hear in this world. The shaft punctures your skull and you die instantly.
    Your life and your mission end here.

    You manage to reach a tangle of briars growing near the crypt door, and from here you can observe the Vassagonian guards undetected. More soldiers appear on horseback, riding into Maaken from the north. They dismount and approach the door.

    ‘Password!’ shout the crypt guards.
    ‘Lohn,’ reply the soldiers. The door opens and they are allowed to enter.
    Armed with the password, you decide to try to enter in the same way. Keeping the hood of your cloak raised and your Sommlending features in shadow, you walk boldly towards the guards.
    Pick a number from the Random Number Table .
    If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 4 to the number you have picked.
    If your total is now 0–6, turn to 198 .
    If it is 7–13, turn to 338 .

    You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. (If you possess the Kai Discipline of Hunting, you are unable to use it within the Maaken Mines to hunt for food.) You then continue along the tunnel, which runs for several miles before eventually arriving at a long, deserted gallery.
    Turn to 40 .

    The Vassagonian bandits break cover and charge, and you give the order to fire. A cloud of arrows sweeps down upon the armour-clad men, the hardened tips penetrating their scarlet plate. The first wave of assailants tumbles and falls; the second wave falters. Another volley forces them back, and they retreat to the ruins to reorganize themselves.
    Here and there, groups of bandit warriors have survived the hail of death and reached the barricade. Most are slain as they try to enter, but a small and determined section of their boldest fighters have broken through close to where you stand. Suddenly, a thick-bodied warrior with oily, black hair tied in a knot at the back of his scarred head leaps onto the wagon and attacks you.
    Vassagonian Warrior: COMBAT SKILL  18    ENDURANCE  25
    You can evade combat at any time by jumping from the wagon. Turn to 66 .
    If you win the fight,

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