The Chasm of Doom

The Chasm of Doom by Joe Dever

Book: The Chasm of Doom by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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his horse and prising out a sharp stone from the animal's shoe with a long, curved dagger. The noise of your fall alerts him, and he turns with his weapon raised for attack.
    Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL  16    ENDURANCE  24
    If you win the combat, you notice that a group of bandits are closing in from the north. You spot them just in time to make a hasty escape.
    Turn to 123 .

    Mile after mile, you ride across the flat and desolate landscape surrounding the Ruanon Pike. (You have entered the Wildlands south of the Pass of Moytura and cannot use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for food in this desolate area.) Yet in spite of the uninspiring view, your men seem in fine spirits. They sing rousing marching songs to relieve the tedium of the journey and help to allay fears of what may lie ahead. During the afternoon, storm clouds gather above the peaks of the Durncrag Mountains to the west, and the roll of distant thunder warns of imminent rain.

    It is late afternoon when your scouts sight a coaching tavern on the highway ahead. It is a large stone building that has been fortified.
    If you wish to stop at the tavern for the night, turn to 63 .
    If you decide to brave a possible storm and continue to ride south, turn to 141 .

    You recognize the eastern accent in their voices. They are Vassagonian bandit warriors. There are at least four of them in the room beyond, and they are discussing what to do about an intruder in the mines. You decide that discretion is by far the better part of valour and return to the gallery. You make sure that you are not being followed and enter the wagon tunnel in the west wall.
    Turn to 55 .

    More enemy warriors are clambering across the shattered barricade towards you. You throw down your bow and run to a large water cask, which is being defended by a stout Sommlending sergeant. The ground around the cask is carpeted with enemy dead.

    ‘Shoot the leader!’ you command, pointing towards the enemy officer. The sergeant aims and fires his bow with one swift and fluid movement. The arrow arcs through the smoke-blackened sky and pierces the officer's shiny breastplate. Slowly his cruel eyes flicker and close, and he slips from his saddle with the arrow lodged deep in his heart.
    Turn to 148 .

    You have covered less than a mile when disaster strikes. Without warning, a ranger in front of you lets out a piercing cry; a disc of razor-sharp steel has sunk into his chest. More of the deadly discs cut the air, whistling past you on all sides. Before you all fall prey to the hidden assassins, you lead your men away at a gallop.
    When you finally rein in your sweating horse, you are more than two miles from the scene of the ambush, and only four of your men remain at your side. Your halt must be brief, for the enemy may already be in pursuit. With the terrible sound of the deadly steel discs still ringing in your ears, you lead the remnants of your company southwards along the highway.
    Turn to 297 .

    With a bone-jarring crunch, your horse crashes into the flank of a bandit steed, and you are hurled head over heels to the ground. You are stunned by the shock of impact and fail to see the blade that bites into your shoulder. Lose 3 ENDURANCE points before turning to face your attacker. You cannot evade combat and must fight your adversary to the death.
    Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL  17    ENDURANCE  25
    If you win, turn to 7 .

    You have taken just one step into the cavern when a blow on the back of your head knocks you senseless. You were seen at the junction by two guards, who prepared this ambush for you. Your equipment is taken and your unconscious body bound by Barraka's men, who throw you into a cell.
    You are unable to stop the sacrifice. When the time comes for your cell door to open, it is the bony hand of a skeleton that turns the key.
    Your life and your mission end here.

    You drag the loathsome creature away from the ranger only to find that the man

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