The Chinese Maze Murders
the weapons and the old uniforms of the constables. My two lieutenants Ma Joong and Chiao Tai shall instruct you in military drill. Fang’s daughter shall report to my house steward for work as a maid in my mansion.
    “The first session of the tribunal is closed!”
    The judge rose and returned to his private office.
    He changed into a comfortable informal robe. Just as he was going to sort out some more documents, Headman Fang came in. After he had bowed he said respectfully:
    “Your Honour, beyond the valley where the attack took place there live more than thirty other men in an improvised camp. They had to flee the city because of Chien Mow’s iniquities. I know them all. Five or six are scoundrels, the rest are honest people whom I’ll answer for. It occurred to me that one of these days I might go out there and enlist the best of them for service in the tribunal.”
    “An excellent idea!” the judge exclaimed. “You will take a horse and go there at once. Select those men you deem suitable. Let them come back to the city at dusk, in groups of two or three and by different routes!”
    Headman Fang hurriedly took his leave.
    Late that afternoon the main courtyard of the tribunal resembled a military encampment.
    Ten men wearing the black lacquered helmets and the leather jackets with red sash that are the regular uniform of constables, were engaged in a drill led by Headman Fang. Ten others clad in light mail coats and decked with shining helmets were practising pike fencing under the supervision of Ma Joong. Chiao Tai was instructing ten more in the secrets of sword fighting.

    The gate of the tribunal was closed. Sergeant Hoong and Tao Gan stood on guard.
    Later on that night, Judge Dee ordered all the men to assemble in the court hall.
    By the light of a single candle the judge issued his instructions. When he had finished he cautioned them all to guard complete silence for a while. Then he snuffed out the candle.
    Tao Gan left the court hall. He closed the door carefully behind him and walked through the dark corridors, lighting his way with a small paper lantern.
    He went to the jail and unlocked the warden’s cell.
    Tao Gan loosened the chain with which the warden had been attached to a ring in the wall. He said in a surly voice:
    “The judge has decided to dismiss you from his service because of gross negligence. You failed to take proper care of the seals of the tribunal that were entrusted to you. In the coming days our judge shall recruit new personnel of the tribunal, and the first criminal to be kneeling in chains before his dais will be that self-styled tyrant Chien Mow!”
    The warden only scowled.
    Tao Gan led him through the dark, empty corridors and across the deserted main courtyard. They passed the empty quarters of the guards. Everything was dark and silent.
    Tao Gan opened the gate. He gave the warden a push.
    “Get out!” he growled. “Never show your ugly face here again!”
    The warden looked contemptuously at Tao Gan. He said with a sneer:
    “I shall be back sooner than you think, you dogshead!”
    Then he disappeared into the dark street.

Fifth Chapter
    S HORTLY after midnight loud sounds shattered the silence in the dark tribunal.
    Hoarse voices shouted orders, weapons clattered. A ram was applied to the main gate; its dull thuds reverberated in the still night air.
    But inside the tribunal nothing stirred.
    The wood of the gate splintered, heavy wooden boards crashed to the ground. Twenty ruffians swinging clubs and brandishing spears and swords rushed inside. A huge fellow with a lighted torch led the way.
    They poured into the first courtyard, shouting:
    “Where is that dog-official? Where is that wretched magistrate?”
    The big fellow kicked open the gate of the main courtyard and stood aside to let the others pass while he drew his sword.
    The ruffians halted inside, for the place was

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