The Chinese Maze Murders
the judge ordered Sergeant Hoong and Tao Gan to stand by his side and act as scribes, taking notes of the proceedings. Ma Joong and Chiao Tai were to stand below, in front of the dais, as constables.

    As he took up his position Ma Joong shot Chiao Tai a bewildered look. They wondered why the judge insisted on keeping up the semblance of a real session of the tribunal. Looking at the empty court hall Chiao Tai thought to himself that it rather reminded him of a theatrical performance.
    Judge Dee hit his gavel on the bench. He said solemnly:
    “I, the magistrate, open the first session of this tribunal. Chiao Tai, bring the prisoners before me!”‘
    Soon Chiao Tai came back leading the six robbers and the girl; he had shackled them together on a long chain.
    As they approached the dais the prisoners looked amazed at the judge sitting in full ceremonial dress behind the shabby bench in the deserted court hall.
    With an impassive face Judge Dee ordered Tao Gan to note down the full name and former profession of each of the prisoners.
    Then Judge Dee spoke:
    “You men have committed the crime of assault with murderous intent on the public road. The law prescribes for you death by decapitation, confiscation of all your property, and your heads exposed for three days, nailed to the city gate, as a warning to others.
    “However, in view of the fact that none of your victims was killed and none suffered grievous bodily harm, and because of the special reasons that drove you to this desperate deed, I, the magistrate, decide that in this particular case mercy shall prevail over justice. I shall let you go free on one condition.
    “This condition is that all of you shall serve for an indefinite time as constables of this tribunal under Fang as your headman, binding yourselves loyally to serve the state and the people until I shall release you.”
    The prisoners looked dumbfounded.
    “Your Honour,” Fang spoke up, “these persons areprofoundly grateful for the leniency shown to us. Yet this only means that our death sentence is deferred for a few days. Your Honour does not yet know Chien Mow’s vindictive spirit, and …”
    The judge hit his gavel on the table. He called out in a thunderous voice:
    “Look up at your magistrate! Observe carefully these insignia of the power that has been vested in me. Know that on this very day, this very hour all over the Empire thousands of men wearing these same insignia are dispensing justice in the name of the state and the people. Since time immemorial they stand as a symbol of the social order decided upon in the wise counsels of your ancestors, and perpetuated by the mandate of Heaven and the free will of the uncounted millions of our black-haired people.
    “Have you not seen sometimes people trying to plant a stick in a gushing mountain stream? It will stand for a moment or so, then it is carried away by the mighty stream that flows on for ever. Thus occasionally wicked or ignorant men will rise and endeavour to disrupt the sacred pattern of our society. Is it not crystal clear that such attempts can never end in anything but miserable failure?
    “Let us never lose faith in these tokens, lest we lose faith in ourselves.
    “Stand up, and be freed of your chains!”
    The prisoners had not followed all the implications of Judge Dee’s words. But they were deeply impressed by his utter sincerity and carried away by his supreme confidence. Judge Dee’s lieutenants, however, had fully understood and they knew that his words had been meant as much for them as for the prisoners. Ma Joong and Chiao Tai bent their heads and hurriedly loosened the chains.
    Judge Dee then addressed the robbers:
    “Afterwards each of you will report to Tao Gan andSergeant Hoong what wrongs he suffered at the hands of Chien Mow. In due time each single case shall be heard in this tribunal. At present, however, there are more pressing affairs. The six of you will go immediately to the main courtyard and clean

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