The Comeback

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Book: The Comeback by Marlene Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marlene Perez
Tags: Fiction
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group of rowdy guys, including Jason Brady, walked in.
    Half an hour later, I was standing alone. Almost as soon as we got there, Monet had been asked to dance by Scott-from-her-art-class. He was cute, despite the facial hair. And I was right—Monet definitely seemed into him.
    I still hadn’t seen Dev arrive, but I pretended I wasn’t looking, even though the suspense of not knowing who he was dating was killing me. I could have asked Monet, but that might have sent her into a complete frenzy.
    Connor and Angie weren’t dancing. Instead, theywere holding court at a large table, which was surrounded by people wanting to bask in the glory of the new power couple.
    I turned away. I didn’t want to admit it, but it hurt to see him with someone else. I wondered if he missed me, even a little bit, or if he thought of me as this total pain in the ass he was glad to get rid of.
    Jason approached me. “Sophie, would you like to dance?”
    It was a fast song playing, so I didn’t have to worry about unwanted groping. And it was marginally better than standing there alone.
    He was an okay dancer and only tried to put his hand on my ass once. He even seemed to get the hint when I shot him a dirty look and moved away. He didn’t try it again, and even muttered, “Sorry.”
    The song ended and Jason and I exchanged those awkward looks, the kind where you’re not sure what to do next.
    â€œWould you like something to drink?” He wasn’t so bad, I thought complacently. You just needed to know how to handle him.
    â€œYes, thank you.” I beamed at him. I was on my best behavior.
    Jason was being pleasant, too, and I felt comfort knowing I had at least one admirer. I avoided glancing in Angie’s direction, where several eligible guys were now buzzing around her like honeybees to a rose.
    Connor looked like someone was trying to take his last cookie. Funny, it had never seemed to bother him when guys talked to me .
    Jason was gone a long time. I waved to Monet, who was still out on the dance floor, and smiled brightly when I noticed anyone looking at me. No one approached me, though.
    It had been a mistake to come. I wanted to leave, but I was Monet’s ride home. I searched the crowd for Dev again. If he was there, I could ask him to give Monet a ride and leave with a clear conscience. I saw him, but he was with Beth Templeton, a senior girl, and he looked like he was having fun. I’d tough it out a little while longer.
    Just as I thought for sure that he’d deserted me, Jason came back. His eyes were bright and he wore an oversize grin.
    That, I thought with satisfaction, is someone who appreciates the pleasure of my company. I straightened my spine.
    He handed me a cup of punch and I drank it thirstily.
    â€œWant to dance to this one?” he said.
    I nodded. It was another fast song, so what was the harm?
    Back out on the dance floor, Jason grabbed my hand and twirled me. The room spun and then spun some more.
    Minutes later, I was sweating profusely. We’d been dancing nonstop and more cups of punch had magically appeared in my hands.
    Once, I met Connor’s gaze and we both quickly looked away. I tried not to pay any attention, but I noticed that he and Angie only danced to the slow songs.
    Jason handed me another cup and I drank quickly. I was having too much fun to stop and slow down.
    Suddenly, I didn’t feel so well. “It’s hot in here. Isn’t it hot in here?” I barely recognized the sound of my own voice. It was slow, slurred.
    Jason wrapped his arm around my waist and held me so tight I couldn’t breathe. I leaned against him, barely able to stand. He said something to his buddy that I didn’t hear. The other guy laughed and they bumped fists.
    He walked me toward the exit. I saw Haley give me a long stare and then scurry off. Probably to spread gossip, I thought sleepily.
    â€œLet’s go get some fresh air,”

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