The Comeback

The Comeback by Marlene Perez

Book: The Comeback by Marlene Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marlene Perez
Tags: Fiction
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needed to somehow salvage my dwindling reputation, but the harder I tried to regain ground, the lower my standing sank. For the first time, I wouldn’t be hanging out with Vanessa and Haley after a dance. Of course, even if I had been invited, Monet wouldn’t have come with me. I think she said something like she’d rather pull out her own fingernails.
    I surveyed myself in the mirror. I wore a short, attention-getting red silk dress that went well with my dark hair. It had been atrociously expensive but worth every penny. I needed all the confidence I could muster for what was sure to be an hour of hell. It was too late to back down.
    I grabbed my keys and yelled to Mom, who was in her home office, “working” on a Friday night. Whichprobably meant checking out profiles and playing solitaire.
    â€œI’m leaving now,” I hollered.
    â€œHave fun,” she said. “And be careful out there. Drive safe.”
    â€œI will. Bye, Mom.”
    Dev answered the door when I went by to pick up Monet.
    â€œSophie, come in,” he said. “Where are you two headed tonight?”
    Monet appeared in the doorway behind him. “None of your business.”
    She wore a deep purple dress and her red hair was gathered up into a cascade of curls.
    Dev looked from me to his sister. “School dance?” he guessed easily. “Where are your dates?”
    â€œNo dates, just us,” I said tersely.
    Dev knew the rules, too, and I braced myself for a caustic retort, but he only smiled and said, “See you there.”
    â€œWhat do you mean by that?” Monet gave him an exasperated stare. “You never go to school dances.”
    â€œI am tonight,” he replied.
    I noticed then that he was dressed in khaki pants and a dark blue shirt that matched his eyes. His red hair was darker, more auburn than Monet’s fire-engine red strands. All in all, Dev looked devastatingly handsome, and I wondered who hisdate was. I hadn’t heard that he was seeing anyone seriously.
    Monet pointed to her watch. “Let’s get this over with. If we hurry, you can buy me a shake afterward at Jack’s.”
    She strode out the door and I shrugged and followed her.
    As we pulled into the parking lot, I spotted Connor and Angie getting out of his car. She wore a black dress, cut practically to her belly button, and had her blonde hair scraped back into a severe style. She looked like she was in mourning at a stripper’s funeral, but it was a look that worked for her.
    Suddenly, I felt overdressed in my red silk number. Angie had that effect on me.
    â€œIt’s not too late to back out,” Monet said. “You look like you’re going to hurl.”
    â€œI’ll be fine,” I said. “I’m not going to let Angie Vogel scare me off.”
    I slowed down and Monet said, “Sure you don’t want to change your mind?”
    â€œNo, but let’s wait a few minutes before we go inside. I don’t want people to think I’m stalking them.”
    The dance was being held in the school gym, and as we walked up, I could hear the music through the double doors.
    Haley was taking tickets at the front. I handed her our stubs. “Hi, Haley.”
    â€œSophie,” she said. “How nice to see you.” It didn’t sound like she really thought it was nice to see me. In fact, it sounded like she wished I was anywhere but right in front of her. She peered behind me, to see who I was with, I was sure. “Oh, hi, Monet.”
    Monet gave her a civil reply, but I could tell it took an effort. I couldn’t really blame her. She and Haley had never gotten along.
    As always, there was a little cluster of freshman girls already there, hugging the wall, trying to look like they were having fun. We found a spot as far away from the air of desperation as possible.
    Inside, we watched couple after couple as they streamed into the gym. Finally, a

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