the doctrine that all substance involves __________________ . Insert the correct word into the above definition from the choice below: a) momentum b) mass c) force d) motion e) gravity 63 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch02/text_s/c02.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 10 The speed of sound is approximately 740 m.p.h. A fire engine with its siren sounding is approaching you at 80 m.p.h. At what speed is the sound from the siren approaching you? a) 820 m.p.h b) 740 m.p.h c) 660 m.p.h d) 9.25 m.p.h 11 Buckminsterfullerine (as illustrated above) is a natural form, or allotrope, of carbon. It consists of 60 carbon atoms linked together to form an almost spherical C60 molecule. Which of the following does it consist of? a) 24 hexagons and 8 pentagons b) 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons c) 30 hexagons and 10 pentagons d) 16 hexagons and 12 pentagons e) 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons 64 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch02/text_s/c02.3d Specific aptitude tests 12 If you picked up a single cube, turned it around, and looked at it from all directions, six faces would be visible. If you picked up the figure above and looked at it from all angles and directions, how many faces would be visible? 13 The above diagram is proof of which of the following? a) Fermat’s last theorem b) Boyle’s law c) Pythagoras’ theorem d) Einstein’s general theory of relativity e) Godel’s theorem f) Euclid’s algorithm g) Coulomb’s law h) None of the above 65 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch02/text_s/c02.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 14 In mathematical equations the order of operations is multiplication before addition. What is the value of ? in the following? {4[6 þ (4 Â 9 þ 14)]} = ? 15 The _________________ is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Insert the correct word into the definition: a) Joule b) Hertz c) diode d) dyne e) Kelvin 66 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d 3 Logical reasoning The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines logic as ‘the science of reasoning, proof, thinking or inference’. In philosophy, logic (from the Greek logos, meaning word, speech or reason) is a science that deals with the principles of valid reasoning and argument. In this context, logic concerns only the reasoning process and not necessarily the end result. Thus, incorrect conclusions can be reached by so-called ‘faulty’ means if the original assumptions are faulty. There are many kinds of logic, such as fuzzy logic and constructive logic, which have different rules and different strengths and weaknesses. A further definition of ‘logical’ is analytical or deductive, and this definition can be applied to someone who is capable of reasoning, or using reason, in an orderly, cogent fashion. It is this latter definition with which we are concerned in this chapter and all the questions can be solved using this type of thinking process. There is no specialised knowledge required in order to solve them, just an ability to think clearly and analytically and follow a common-sense reasoning process step by step through to its conclusion. Test 3.1 Pure logic Test 1 consists of 10 questions of varying scope and difficulty. There is no specialised knowledge of mathematics or vocabulary required in order to solve these questions, just the ability to think clearly and analytically. 67 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests You have 50 minutes in which to solve the 10 questions. 1 elk mink mouse gibbon panther Which creature comes next? Is it: squirrel, tortoise, tigress, wildebeest, platypus or aardvark? 2 January February April July November April ? What comes next? 3 A C B E C G ? ? G E K H O K ? ? What letters should appear in the fourth square? 4 3 4 7 2 1 6 9 2 8 5 7 4 6 9 7 3 8 5 6 1 2 7 4 3 4 7 5 8 2 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? What