numbers should appear on the bottom row? 68 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning 5 9 3 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 4 3 5 4 4 3 9 ? 8 2 6 7 8 ? What numbers should replace the question marks? 6 1563 6829 5821 9 8 8 ? 8 8 5 5 7 7294 3056 3654 What number should replace the question mark? 7 7896432 is to 9872346 and 9247183 is to 4293817 therefore 8629471 is to ? 8 From the information already provided, find the link between the numbers in each row, and then fill in the missing numbers: 3859 1 1 1 4 ^ ^ 4978 ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 6 7579 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 13 29 31 19 8 15 11 33 ? What number should replace the question mark? 69 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 10 3829718 is to 87283 and 642735 is to 5346 therefore 6917 is to ? Test 3.2 Progressive matrices test The 10 questions here are designed to test and exercise your appreciation of pattern and design, your ability to think logically but at the same time to explore with an open mind the various possibilities that might lead to a correct solution. In tests of intelligence, a matrix is an array of squares in which one of the squares has been omitted, and where you must choose the correct missing square from a number of options. It is therefore necessary to study the matrix to decide what pattern is occurring, either by looking across each line and down each column, looking at the array as a whole or looking at the relationship between different squares within the array. The test that follows consists of 10 questions which gradually increase in difficulty as the test progresses, first starting with 2 Â 2 arrays, then 3 Â 3 arrays and finally 4 Â 4 arrays. The tests also call for a degree of creative thinking, in which you must apply your mind to each set of diagrams in order to appreciate the patterns and sequences that are occurring. 70 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning You have 45 minutes in which to solve the 10 questions. 1 Which is the missing square? A B C D E 2 Which is the missing square? A B C D E 71 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 3 Which is the missing square? A B C D E 72 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning 4 Which is the missing square? A B C D E F G H 73 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 5 Which is the missing square? A B C D E F G H 74 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning 6 Which is the missing square? A B C D E F G H 75 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 7 Which is the missing square? A B C D E F G H 76 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning 8 Which is the missing section? A B C D E F 77 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 9 Which is the missing section? A B C D E F 78 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d Logical reasoning 10 Which is the missing section? A B C D E F Test 3.3 Advanced logic test This test is very similar to Test 1 but with a higher degree of difficulty. As in the case of Test 1, there is no specialised knowledge of mathematics or vocabulary required in order to solve these questions, just the ability to think clearly and analytically. 79 K:/Books/1387jw/0470017732/ch03/text_s/c03.3d The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests You have 90 minutes in which to solve the 10 questions. 1 4 9 3 ? 37 81 9 32 6 3 1 25 5 68 What number should replace the question mark? 2 48 726 29 73 249 28 53 ? 44 What number should replace the question mark? 3 3829 4873 6952 8176 3521 9632 3235 6912 7669 1825 7338 ? What number should replace