her feel sick. She glanced down – the heavy straps around her thighs and belly were a stark and unnerving contrast to her pale skin. The guard surveyed her body with barely concealed desire.
He looked at Kai. "How long before she'll be ready?"
Kai smiled, snapping off her rubber gloves. "I'd say any time at all. She's aching for satisfaction. I'd let you have her now if it weren't for Leonora's orders."
The guard bent forward and pressed his face into Emily's groin; a long snaking tongue opening up the lips of her sex. Emily stiffened as his rough mouth caught the silver ring that linked her sex lips. Her fear was tempered by the white hot electric plume of pleasure that his kiss lit in her belly. She was stunned by her body's reaction. She could feel an urgent surge of need. The guard pulled back a little, sniffing at her naked sex like a dog.
Kai held out her hand. "Time we went to see Leonora."
Emily climbed unsteadily from the couch, feeling the anal insert move in her with every step.
Kai smiled encouragingly.
The guard helped Kai to secure Emily's hands behind her back; all the time his fingers moved over her body with something akin to possession. She shuddered as his fingers moved across the crease of her buttocks.
He made a thick guttural noise and then beckoned to Kai. She stepped towards him with total obedience. Grabbing hold of Emily's arms, he forced her onto the floor. He was so quick that Emily didn't have a chance to think, let alone act. Kai did nothing to assist her. She screamed out in desperation as he pulled a short length of chain down from the table and snapped it into her wrist cuffs.
"Be quiet," he snorted, as she tumbled backwards onto the cold marble floor, her weight pinning her arms behind her. He bent down and grabbed hold of her collar, jerking it upwards until she was kneeling. All the time Kai stood behind him, eyes downcast. The guard grinned at Emily. "Can you feel that thing up inside you? Imagine what it will feel like when it's me!"
Emily felt her colour draining.
"Now, get yourself comfortable and open you knees nice and wide," he said with a leer. He glanced over his shoulder at Kai. "Get that overall off. I want to see you two together – seems to me that the pair of you were enjoying your massage. After all, I've got to wait for her -" he nodded towards Emily. "So I'll have you instead."
Kai said nothing. Instead she slipped the pristine white smock over her head. Beneath she was wearing a dark green leather Basque. It fitted her like a second skin, pressing her full breasts up in an open invitation. Her nipples seemed unnaturally dark, as if stained with something, and hardened instantly in the cool air.
The guard groaned appreciatively and circled the oriental girl, as Emily watched them in terror. He ran his hands over Kai's narrow elongated waist. The leather Basque was tight, nipping her skin slightly so that her flesh seemed to swell out from under it; she was an erotic masterpiece. Below the lower edge of the Basque, which was shaped to frame her belly, Kai's sex was naked and glistening with oil. At the lowest point between her legs hung a large ring on which was a tiny glittering bird.
The guard grinned and drew a finger between the outer lips. Her clitoris peeked seductively between the flushed pink labia. "I want to see you on all fours with your tongue between her legs," he said softly. "I know that's what you want, Kai. I've seen you before when you've been in here with the other girls."
Kai knelt slowly and caught hold of Emily's collar, pulling her close. Her lips brushed Emily's cheek and then her mouth. Her kisses made Emily whimper; so gentle, so soft – mixed feelings of revulsion and fear rose in Emily's gut. She gasped and tried to pull away as Kai's lips opened and her tongue sought entry.
The oriental girl's hands lifted to her breasts, teasing at the engorged peaks with great care, tracing the line of the rings. Her head moved lower, kissing
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