The Council, A Witch's Memory

The Council, A Witch's Memory by J.C. Isabella Page B

Book: The Council, A Witch's Memory by J.C. Isabella Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.C. Isabella
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fallen tree, keeping a good distance from the men. I probably had nothing to fear. But I wasn’t going to take any chances with Venna. These men would not hide who they were from us. She shouldn’t have to find out her identity from strangers.
    She can’t find out until tomorrow morning, or I would lose her.
    “We’re not going to steal your witch.” The man who had nodded at me smiled, “I’m Fin, this is my friend Roger. You have nothing to worry over.”
    “I’ll err on the side of caution, if you don’t mind. What can I do for you?” I placed myself at an angle in which I could see the top of Venna’s head, red curls bouncing in the distance as she paced by the tree.
    The other, Roger, a portly man with a ruddy red nose, spread his hands. “We’d like the news. We’re between covens at the moment.”
    “There haven’t been many new developments in the last month. Nothing of any concern, I assure you.” I said.
    “We’ve heard people talking of war.” Fin cleared his throat, lowering his voice. “We weren’t sure how much information you were privy to, or if you even knew of the rumor.”
    “There is no war.” I did not need two eccentrics ruining my night, but I also needed to dispel any outrageous claims. I didn’t want my people jumping to conclusions or acting irrationally out of fear.
    “You’re wrong.” Roger pounded a meaty fist on the tree trunk, splintering the wood. “Black of black. They bring death.”
    Fin nodded. “We’re looking for a quiet place to go. When the fighting breaks out we’d like to be as far from the action as possible.”
    Cowards. “Try Alaska.”
    “That’s what I thought. Um, where is the nearest coven located?”
    “Richmond and Norfolk are the only covens in Virginia.” It wasn’t a hotspot for magical activity, unlike New Orleans or San Francisco.
    “Which one do you belong to?” Roger leaned forward, too curious for my taste.
    “Neither.” My voice rumbled in a low snarl. I wanted to end this conversation and leave.
    “The Council requires all beings to register with a coven. We should turn you in to the authorities.” Roger pushed to his feet, reaching for me. Fin stopped him, babbling about how my doing anything illegal was none of their business.
    “Listen to your friend, Roger.” Crack, crack, crack, went my knuckles behind my back.
    Roger’s eyes fixed on mine, boring into me. I felt pressure on my temples as he tried his hardest to work his way into my head, fishing for information as only a mind reader could.
    This was exactly the kind of person I could not allow near Venna. Her memories may be blocked, preventing her from accessing them, but they were not blocked from others until she learned to guard her thoughts.
    I allowed Roger a small peek, letting him see only what I wanted. I needed to establish control. Although I hated tossing titles around, I saw no other way to go about things quietly.
    He saw what I intended and his forehead wrinkled in disbelief. “You’re a Langley?”
    Fin’s head snapped up, eyes wide, glowing a subtle blue. “What?”
    “Not just any Langley, he’s the heir!” Roger was nowhere near as powerful as I. The realization registered on his greasy face. He’d probably been up for a fight before and appeared to be thinking twice now.
    “I’m sorry, Your Highness.” Fin bowed his head.
    Shrugging, I crossed my arms. “Is there anything else I can help you with, gentlemen?”
    Both men leapt up in a hurry and backed away from me. Not wanting to piss me off to the point of having them arrested, I presumed. I started to think I’d be able to relax.
    Unfortunately I heard Venna running towards me. “Henry?”
    “What’s wrong?” I cursed my rotten luck as the men forgot their abhorrence to my identity, now intrigued by my Venna.
    And she is my Venna, I decided. She just doesn’t know it yet.
    Fate could kiss my ass. This was my life. My soul.
    Lord, what a time to have that realization.

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