The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2

The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2 by Alonna Lissett

Book: The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2 by Alonna Lissett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alonna Lissett
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                  “Well I am taking something by it.” Xander said as he grabbed the handle to his dagger.
                  “You be careful with that pig sticker” Vincent began. “You know I meant nothing by it but it still doesn’t change things. Just be on guard as we head into that place” Vincent said as he began to don his heavy armor and also pulled out armor for his horse.
                  Xander went back inside the carriage where he could see Aubrey put on the lightweight armor he made for under her clothing. It wasn’t very bulky but was noticeable she had something on.
                  “Your highness, the guard believes something is amiss at the outpost.” Xander began as he put up his dagger. “I am not sure if it has merit or not but we may have to leave on a moment’s notice.”
                  Aubrey said nothing as Xander sat down beside her. What he really wanted to do was ride outside as they approached Riley, but with the feelings he was sure to experience once he actually foot in Riley was something he did not want everyone to witness. Xander stayed quiet as he heard sounds of the Guard outfitting their horses with armor, and finally the feel of the carriage slowly making its way inside of Riley.
    CHAPTER 10
                  Xander had been in Riley two days waiting for the rest of the forces to catch up to them. Xander had gained a great respect for General Anaya as she already had supply lines and everything worked out. None of the materials they needed would be kept in Riley; instead Riley would be used as the jump off point ensuring any attacks on the outpost would do minimal damage to supply lines.
                  Xander and Aubrey had been given a suite in his old home, with Xander choosing to stay in old room, much to the chagrin of the current witch who headed this outpost. Xander discovered from the military guys stationed there that this outpost was in high demand from all children of war like himself. The witch in charge didn’t seem to mind all the redheads walking around and it was even rumored she bedded a few and wished to make one her husband. The other soldiers who came with Xander’s party seemed tense around the red haired Soldiers but Xander finally felt at ease in finding kindred spirits to bond with. All was going well until the day the rest of the witches were due to arrive with the rest of General Anaya’s troops in tow, it was then the Thornians attacked.
                  The alarm was sounded long before any Thornians came into view, a testament to the skills of Rangel’s sentries. Xander had already knew the defense plan, as soon as General Anaya entered the outpost she had been drilling it into the soldiers. Archers would be posted on the walls with the witches spread out among them. The Palace Guard would ensure a way to retreat out of Riley and deeper into Rangel if that became necessary. General Anaya’s “Fire” division had all the troops outfitted with the stronger pieces of armor Xander had made; their job was to kill anything that attempted to breach the heavy gate facing Thorn. Finally all the weapons and shields Xander enchanted that would last no more than a week, were given to as many regulars as possible to go out and meet The Thornish army in open field.
    An advance rider was sent minutes before the alarm sounding letting General Anaya know the rest of the army was mere hours behind, not much time in the scheme of things, but more time than it would take Thorn’s troops to reach Rangel.
                  When the Thornian troops could be seen, all present in Riley could tell the Thornians were well armed with plenty of infantry backed by archers and heavy horses. If the horses took the field, Rangel’s witches could easily take them out long before they reached the outpost gates. First contact was a battle between

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