club. As Vincent fell men began to run over him and focused on Aubrey. Although she was taller, and outweighed Xander by at least a stone, Xander snatched her up in his arms and reached for his dagger before crashing out of the window.
Aubrey heard Xander moan as she landed on top of him, at first she thought he may have broken an ankle but he was up before she was and roughly pulled her to her feet and began running towards the stables where the carriage was kept. Aubrey was amazed that somehow Xander weaved them through the chaos towards the stables where she could see the traitorous soldiers hacking apart the carriage. As they ran towards them, she figured they must have heard the carriage could teleport but had no idea on how it worked or they would be busy defacing the floor of the carriage instead of the walls. Somehow the enemy did not notice Xander as he got up close and ran one of them through with his dagger to the back of the neck, an action that drew the attention of the other two men who were both armed with axes and swords instead of the dagger he had.
Aubrey was stunned as suddenly Xander kicked open the door of the carriage and threw her in it just as one of the men climbed through the window after her. Aubrey kicked at the man in front of her, landing a surprisingly solid kick to his groin. Aubrey could see that although the man was armed he was not armored and she was generally bigger than most children of war, even bigger than Xander who was much more muscled than her attacker. Aubrey quickly surmised he had to be of Thornish decent since due to the combination of diet and exercise, all Rangelian men except the nobles were generally muscular. As the man bent over, Aubrey grabbed his sword hand and his neck and flung him to the ground of the carriage. She could see the man looking out the door as Xander stood between his back up and her. Aubrey briefly made eye contact with Xander and she could see he was scared, left to defend himself with a damn dagger against an enemy with an axe. Xander stuck his hand into the carriage and the next thing Aubrey knew she was back in the throne room.
“GUARDS!! GUARDS!!” Aubrey screamed as she separated herself from her attacker who no doubt was wondering where the hell he was. Aubrey was alone in the throne room and as she ran to the door she could see her attacker rise. Aubrey backed towards the door but instead of chasing her, the man began hacking away at Xander’s circle which brought them there. Aubrey had discovered that once a circle was changed significantly, its ability was nonexistent and could not be used. Aubrey grabbed a small chair and ran towards her attacker just as he looked up.
“Oh ya want ta play now girly” the man said as he raised his weapon towards Aubrey, stopping her in her tracks.
Aubrey circled the man nervously as the Throne Room door burst open, bringing with it Frowley the retired Captain of the palace guard in full armor. Aubrey ran away from the man as Frowley charged right at him, easily deflecting his weapon with the heavy gauntlet he wore before knocking the man out with an overhand right.
“Frowley what are you doing here?” Aubrey said, amazed to see the former Captain of guard after he retired years ago.
“Well if that isn’t a fine greeting your Highness” Frowley said as he kicked the man’s weapon away from him and began searching his unconscious body.
Aubrey was stunned into silence as Frowley broke the silence. “Our Queen let her Guard Captain accompany you on your trip. I also hear Red went with you to fight those Thornish bastards. I could not in good conscious leave the Queen with these whelps protecting her; they are only used to Red’s fancy enchanting and probably never been in a real tussle. I started here today and the Queen will keep me on until this war is finished. I just came from sparring when I passed by and heard your call.”
“Well you
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Richard; Forrest
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