Riley was a fortified position and as such had plenty of stone throwing machines inside her gates. General Anaya used these to deadly efficiency, taking out a good number of troops until the Thornians either moved too close for the weapon to be effective or moved out of range, effectively splitting the army in two. The Thornian archers started filling the air with arrows as soon as they could, hoping to hit the frontline of Rangel’s troops. Unfortunately that brought their troops in range of the archers from Rangel. After no significant casualties on either side thanks to both troops use of shields, the flag bearer from Thorn took off at a sprint towards the Rangelian line.
“Do you need the help of the witches yet?” the High Witch spoke looking down at the battlefield as the troops met in their first clash.
“It is unknown” Anaya answered, never taking her eyes off of the battle. “Their regular troops were superior to ours since our last encounter, but I have made it a point to teach counter tactics to their normal routine. Sheer numbers would ultimately win us the day, as our reserves are no more than 3 hours behind us. Right now they have a numbers advantage, one they will likely keep. I am going to send a runner to halt the remaining witches from joining this battle; we would be better served with troops instead.”
“Seeking glory for you and your men?” the High Witch said letting the statement roll off her tongue like some sort of slur.
“If all the witches were to pile in here, who knows how many would die thanks to a stray arrow?” Anaya started her reply, not letting the High Witch get to her. “The witches are our group clearing weapon to be used whenever there is a weakness that can be exploited. As is, I am not sure of any weakness they may have and I also wish to know if the enchanter’s weapons are worth it.”
“Well the Thornians look like their front line is taking a beating, they don’t even seem interested in fighting, even though it is obvious they are dying by the tens, soon to be hundreds” the High Witch said as she prepared to leave.
“It’s because they are not interested in fighting, they seem intent on rushing the gate without any regard for their welfare” Anaya began before her words were cut off by screams coming from within Riley. General Anaya looked around and saw as the children of war who were stationed at the outpost began targeting Witches inside the compound in an effort to take out as many as possible. Anaya knew her Fire troops would not be harmed by such attack and would soon start turning the tide against their betrayers. Right now though, she had one thing on her mind, the same thing that was probably on the High Witches mind as they raced down the stairs towards the quarters occupied by Aubrey, Princess of Rangel and Heir to the throne.
Aubrey had begun talking to Xander in an effort to calm him; she knew he longed for the battle that was raging outside. Aubrey had made sure his armor and other such war waging weapons were kept far away from him, he needed to know his job was at her side, nowhere else. Aubrey smiled inwardly at her show of emotion a couple of days ago received the outcome she was expecting. While he still did not have any use for her Palace Guard, he had smiled a couple of times and even lightly touched her hand when she was sitting down, something he never did. All was well until Vincent, one of the Palace Guardsmen came crashing through the door.
“Your Highness the Reds have turned on us, you must get…” were the only words Vincent was able to get out before he was hit heavily over his head with what looked to be a crude
Laura Bradford
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P. N. Elrod