The Cowbear's Christmas Bride (Curvy Bear Ranch 4)
anything, Hank grabbed her arm.
    “We’ll see you at church,” Hank said.
    Carol wanted to stay, but Hank half-dragged her to the truck. After they’d climbed in and Hank slammed the driver’s side door, she turned to him.
    “What was that about?”
    “ That was Trevor Sawyer. You don’t want to mess with that guy.” Hank hooked an arm over the back of the seat and looked over his shoulder as he backed onto the road.
    “Two-time felon. He’s been up state in Pinebrook a few times.”
    “What’s that?” she asked.
    “Federal prison.”
    “For what?”
    “Gang activity. I don’t remember the specific charges, but he’s a dangerous guy.”
    “But we left him with my mom,” she said.
    “It seemed like she was expecting him.”
    “We should go back.”
    He pulled off into a marked turnout and twisted to face her. “Not tonight.”
    “We should call the cops and send them to check in on her.”
    “On what grounds?” he asked.
    She bit the edge of her lip.
    “I know you want to help your mom. Trust me, I understand the need to help people. But maybe your mom really doesn’t want your help,” he said.
    Her hands started to tremble, so she shoved them under her thighs. Afraid that her voice would crack when she spoke, she turned away and stared into the darkness.
    “Give it a few days. We’ll go back and check on her. We have no reason to believe she’s in any danger, okay?” he asked.
    “All right.” The first fat tear rolled down her cheek. She swiped at it while another fell and then another. Soon, quiet sobs racked her body.
    “Hey, it’s going to be okay. She might just need a little time. Can you imagine how shocking it was for her to see you on her doorstep?”
    When she didn’t answer, Hank leaned over and unbuckled her seat belt. He pulled her into his arms. His large hands splayed across her waist, drawing her closer. She couldn’t hold back any longer.
    “It’s okay, honey,” Hank whispered as she let the tears flow.
    She curled up in his arms, taking comfort in his quiet strength. When she tilted her head back to thank him, moonlight caught the specs of gold in his brown eyes. His hands slid from her waist to cup her face.
    “I wish I knew how to take away your pain,” he whispered.
    Her gaze dropped to his lips and she conveyed her need with a soft sigh. He dipped to brush a feathery kiss across her lips. When she moaned, he returned to deepen the kiss. And when she shivered in his arms, he parted her lips with his tongue and awakened a part of her she’d ignored for far too long.

    Chapter 5
    Hank paced around the kitchen while he waited for Carol to appear for breakfast. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way she’d felt in his arms last night. After kissing her until his lips were half-numb, he’d driven her back to the ranch and gave her one last kiss before sending her to her room.
    He’d quickly left the B & B before his last thread of willpower snapped. He clung to that little filament of self-control until he’d made it to the banks of Hebgen Lake. Had it been up to his bear, he would have run back to the B & B and claimed Carol that night. As he dove into the lake, the freezing water sucked the heat from his body, effectively putting his bear on ice.
    As much as he’d wanted to return and take everything she wanted to give him, he couldn’t. She didn’t care about him; she only flew into his arms because she had nowhere else to go. He wasn’t an idiot. He recognized the reality of the situation, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to see her again.
    He turned and stalked a path to the other side of the kitchen. Where was she?
    “You keep pacing like that and we’re going to have to replace the floors by spring,” Madison said.
    “Sorry. Nervous energy.”
    “What are you so nervous about?” she asked.
    There was no way he’d tell Madison the truth. She’d flay him alive if she found out that he’d been

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