The Dangerous Love of a Rogue

The Dangerous Love of a Rogue by Jane Lark Page A

Book: The Dangerous Love of a Rogue by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
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    Satisfied the bait had been set. Drew helped himself to items from the buffet, but did not bother with a plate, he did not wish to spend the supper hour eating. He stopped to acknowledge a few acquaintances, and then extricated himself from several ex-lovers, before turning to walk from the room.
    He glanced at Miss Marlow as he passed.
    She was watching. Would she follow?
    He gave her an encouraging echo of a smile.
    “Should I?” The thought shone in her eyes.
    His absence had done its job, all her pretence had gone.
    Striding on across the empty dance floor he looked back. Her gaze followed him still. He smiled again and nodded. This is your chance, Mary, darling…
    Deliberately picking his path to keep within her view he walked to a set of open French doors and stepped into the tepid night air, looking back one last time, throwing her a calling card.
    He was too far away now to be sure she still watched, but something in the turn of her head told him she did.
    Come on little beauty, follow .
    Outside he walked to the end of the Wiltshires’ stone terrace, he could not go too far, she would not find him.
    The terrace, like the ballroom, was deserted.
    He leant his buttocks against the stone rim of the balustrade.

    The dark house walls framed the empty ballroom and the view into the dining room, like a picture, with huge chandeliers illuminating the scene within.
    It made the terrace darker.
    He withdraw a slim cigar and a match from the pocket of his evening coat, lifted the cigar to his lips and struck the match on the stone beside his hip, then held the flame to the tip of the cigar and sucked until it caught.
    At least he had an excuse to be out here if he smoked.
    Taking the cigar from his lips he let the smoke slid out of his mouth.
    Miss Marlow smiled at her sister-in-law, the Duchess of Pembroke, nodding at something the other woman said. Then her face turned to someone else across the table, a gentleman, one of her uncles, and she laughed. Pembroke spoke to her. Drew could see the Duke smiling at her, at something she must have said, before he laughed with her too.
    Her father approached behind her, stopped and pressed a hand on Miss Marlow’s shoulder. He leaned and kissed her temple.
    Drew took another long draw on the cigar he held between his fingers.
    It was as unreal as watching a play at the theatre. Drew did not understand a family like that. They moved in a pack, a pride, like lions, closing to defend and protect one another whenever the need arose, all the men prowling about their lionesses.
    I really ought to be daunted . He was not, very little dented either his ennui or his ego.
    But Miss Marlow dented his ennui.
    That was good. He hardly wished for a wife who’d bore him.
    He sucked on the cigar again, relishing the flavour of tobacco in his mouth. He knew how to enjoy things. He’d learned to make the most of every little gift life gave him when he was young. He would enjoy making Miss Marlow his.
    Rising, smiling at her brother and her father, and then passing the sunshine of her beauty about the others at her table, Miss Marlow then bobbed a slight curtsy.

    Drew smiled, sensations dancing a bloody jig in his chest; his little fish had taken the bait.
    Strolling away from the table she weaved a path through the other guests, stopping occasionally.
    Drew’s heart beat a steady elated rhythm. He felt as though he’d been dealt the most superb hand of cards, but there was still a risk that if he laid them wrong he’d waste their benefit. There was still a requirement for skill and caution. He had to be careful now.
    When she reached the ballroom instead of turning towards the open French doors, though, she disappeared through a door at the side of the room near the entrance stairs.
    Shutting his eyes Drew urged her with all the will power he had, to… Come to me!
    But damn it, if she did not, he was not giving up; he would simply have to find a new tack.
    Drew opened his eyes

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