The Dangerous Love of a Rogue

The Dangerous Love of a Rogue by Jane Lark Page B

Book: The Dangerous Love of a Rogue by Jane Lark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Lark
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
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lifted the cigar back to his lips and sucked in the smoke, then looking up to the stars he blew out a circle.
    The night was clear, a blanket of very dark blue with thousands of sparkling pin pricks of light. He loved night, like he loved storms. His soul had always turned to the dark and wild.
    As a lad he’d lain outside for hours, looking up at the endless pitch black and he’d loved swimming in the dark, clothed only in moonlight. That had always been his purest escape. It had been a whole other world.
    A small dark shadow flew like a dart in the air over his head. Bats. He smiled, watching them swoop and turn. Now he’d spotted one, he saw more, they were after the moths which had been drawn to the light spilling from the windows.
    “What are you doing? Where have you been?”
    His own little moth came to the flame. Her wings would be burned. But, God, he could not believe how much his heart thumped, and exhilaration coursed through his blood.

    Her voice had come from the foot of the steps which descended from the terrace to his right.
    Lifting his weight from the balustrade, his eyes searched her out in the darkness.
    He caught the movement of her pale lemon dress about two feet away from the bottom step.
    “I am waiting for you,” Drew answered her first question as he descended the steps, feeling the tug of her presence pull at him.
    She was young, six years his junior, but he’d never seen her behave as a girl. She did not fluster or giggle. No, Mary Marlow had a serene womanly grace, she was kind, sensible, confident and extremely beautiful.
    His eyes adjusted to the darkness.
    “Tell me where you have been. I have not seen you for days.”
    A few teasing curls of her ebony hair had fallen to lick her jaw and throat where he’d like to place his lips; and her eyes sparkled diamond bright as they caught a shaft of moonlight and challenged him.
    His game of patience had been a brilliant hand.
    “I have been giving you time to make your choice. Does this mean you have made it?”
    He’d confused her. Hell he was confused himself.
    The movement of her fingers clasping together before her waist pulled his gaze lower.
    She was anxious. She should be. But he was too. The emotions inside him were eclectic. Hope. Desire. Need. Desperation. But there was respect and pride too… When had he ever felt respect for a woman? Never before.
    “You being here – is this your answer? If it is you took your time.” He stepped from the bottom step to stand in front of her, aware of the hardness in his voice and a stiffness in his body, but both were due to the bewildering mix of emotions causing turmoil inside him. He did not know this ground; did not know how to speak with a young innocent woman.

    “I could hardly get up the minute you walked out. I do not even know why I am here.”
    Ah damn it, he needed to forget his anxiety, forget his own fears. He did know how to woo women. She was a woman.
    “Because you want to be here.” He moved closer. “With me.” He dropped his cigar on the dew damp grass.
    “Do I? I barely know. All I know is that I missed you watching me.”
    When he lifted a hand, she stepped back.
    He smiled, his fingertips brushing her cheek. “You want more kisses, Mary. You can hardly have them if you do not let me near.” Damn it, he needed to persuade her to stay and not run again, to persuade her to be his wife – and the only way he knew how to do that was through sex. He needed her to let him close.
    * * *
    Is that why I am here, to let him kiss me again? She had not been able to define the pull which led her here.
    She had seen him enter earlier, and her heart had leapt at the sight of his splendid figure as he stood at the top of the stairs. But she’d wanted to know where he’d been. Why he’d stopped following her?
    To give her choice…
    But choice had left her with a desperate, quivery feeling inside. Choice, separation from him, had been painful – and yes, she

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