The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0)

The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Page A

Book: The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tameri Etherton
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she refused to leave.
    “ Tomorrow ,” Amdi said .“ You will have your belongings then . ”
    “ Why not tonight ? ”
    “ Because, First Son, they are hidden in a cave a da y’ s ride from here. Your sword tried to kill anyone who touched it. I had to hide it to be certain no harm came to my people . ”
    A grin broke Rhoan e’ s stern expression. Claidholm Solais would not suffer fools touching him. If he so desired, he could call forth the sword, and it would fly to his outstretched hand. A remarkable idea, but not one he was willing to act upon. Not in front of Amdi and his guards.
    “ Tomorrow, then .” Rhoane bent low at the waist to bow to the laird .“ Tonight, I would like to bathe, and then feast with your people . ”
    Amdi barked a laugh and clapped Rhoane on the back .“ I think I will like being your friend less than I liked being your laird. At least as my captive, you could not order me around. But for tonight, I will make an exception. I believe we can be mutually beneficial to each other, Prince Rhoane .” He clapped his hands, and two women materialized to take Rhoane to the baths.
    “ Rhoane .” Kaleigh lightly touched his arm . Amdi is still testing you. Be wary. These are his two most skilled concubines.
    Rhoane hid his shock at her speaking in his mind. He had n’ t realized the connection had been there the entire time. All h e’ d had to do was try . I am certain Amdi will once more be disappointed. I know now what must be done, and bedding these women is not part of my path. But I thank you for the warning.
    He placed his hand over her fingertips and said loud enough for all to hear ,“ I look forward to seeing you and your laird at the feast .” Internally, he added , And tomorrow you will teach me to manipulate time.

Chapter 6

    RHOANE stayed in the desert another two and a half seasons. During the day, Kaleigh worked with him, showing him how to bend the Light to slow time and warp the Dark to speed time. At first, they worked in secret under the close watch of Amd i’ s guards, meeting under the pretense that Rhoane was showing Kaleigh how better to heal. Eleri skills at healing far surpassed Ullan s’ , and with Rhoan e’ s assistance, Kaleigh became Amd i’ s best healer.
    Although he never entered the heale r’ s tents again, Rhoane often consulted with Kaleigh on difficult ailments, working to find cures to foreign diseases h e’ d never experienced in the Narthvier. The education was beneficial to everyone. The longer Rhoane lived among the Ullans, the more he came to realize they were n’ t a warrior race, as h e’ d first believed. Yes, Amdi demanded all his tribe members learn to fight, but the desert was harsh, and raiders often rode through the camps late at night, trying to steal horses and women.
    The encampment moved several times in the space of two season s— the nine moonturns the y’ d spent at the base of the mountains was the longest they stayed anywhere. Rhoane suspected it was his presence causing them to linger overlong in one location, but neither Kaleigh nor Amdi confirmed his suspicions. Yet, shortly after Rhoan e’ s victory over the giant, the entire camp packed up and moved farther to the east, close to the Jansen Straight. The salty tang of the sea had teased Rhoan e’ s heightened senses. He longed to be free of the constant sand and wind, but he stayed.
    His work with Kaleigh and his budding friendship with Amdi kept him with the Ullans. The laird allowed him to sit in on tribal councils, and Rhoane saw a different form of governance than what he knew from the Weirren. Amdi was laird, but his tribal lords held equal power within the tent. Their concerns were heard and addressed by all present. A vote determined the outcome of every decision. Rhoane listened quietly to the meetings, only speaking or contributing to the discussion if asked.
    During his two free seasons in the desert, he and Kaleigh pored over the scroll Carga had

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