The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0)

The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton

Book: The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tameri Etherton
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    Laird Amdi approached, his glance wary. Rhoane lowered the dagger and wiped it on his tattered tunic. After a momen t’ s appraisal, Amdi grasped Rhoan e’ s arm at the elbow and his free hand reached around to pat Rhoane on the back. When Rhoane did n’ t return the gesture, Amdi withdrew. A frown caused deep creases in his forehead and jowls .“ Congratulations, boy . ”
    “ I am not a boy, Amdi. And I believe I have won my freedom .” Rhoane glanced over his shoulder at the mass of flesh sprawled on the sand .“ I require my sword, my clothing, and my belongings, then I will leave your desert . ”
    “ You would leave us ?” Kaleigh stepped out from Amd i’ s shadow. No longer clothed in the hooded and veiled garment she usually wore, she stood before her prince in traditional Eleri garb. Rows of scarlet gems dangled from strips of silk, scarcely covering her bare skin. Her skirt rode low on her hips, showing off a golden chain. To Eleri, that one piece of jewelry signified she was taken. Rhoan e’ s gaze went from the gold piece to Kaleig h’ s face. To see it unadorned and exposed unsettled him.
    “ Why should I stay ?” he asked her.
    “ There is much more to learn, First Son . ”
    “ I will not fight for him. My battles are done . ”
    “ Your battles will never be finished. Not until all facets of the prophecy are fulfilled. If you stay ,” Kaleigh added in Eleri ,“ I will teach you the way of time . ”
    Amdi cut her off with a harsh command to speak in Ullan or Elennish, never Eleri. She lowered her head in acquiescence and spoke to Amdi in Ullan, begging him to allow Rhoane to live among the tribe as a full member, not as a captive combatant. Amd i’ s nostrils flared. His eyes bore into Kaleig h’ s, as if a silent argument played out between them.
    Rhoane was certain she shared her thoughts with her lover. Something she had n’ t done with him. His anger rekindled as he watched the two of them glare at each other, speaking only to grunt a disapproval of something the other had thought. Amdi was going back on his word. Of that Rhoane was certain. But h e’ d have none of it. If the man refused him his hard-fought freedom, he would take it. By force if necessary.
    The sun made a slow dip beyond the mountains to the east, and a chill edged the last heat of the day. It would be dark soon. Time for the night creatures to prowl the skies, looking for prey. Even the guards shifted nervously as they waited for their laird to decide Rhoan e’ s fate.
    Except Rhoane had no desire to allow Amdi, or anyone else, to make decisions controlling his destiny. Not even Verdaine, if it came down to it. He would never again be someon e’ s slave. Not Amdi, not another ruler, not even the Darennsai. No one but Rhoane would decide what was best for him.
    “ My sword ,” Rhoane said, his tone lethal .“ Get it now, or suffer the same fate as him .” He did n’ t have to look at the giant for Amdi to know who he meant.
    “ You dare threaten me, boy ? ”
    “ I am tired of waiting. Either you return my sword to me now, or I will destroy this camp tent by tent until I find it . ”
    “ Amdi, please ,” Kaleigh said .“ He satisfied all of your demands. I would like him to stay on as a frien d— to train him, and nothing more. But he will not remain unless you act more civil .” She leaned in and whispered loud enough for Rhoane to hear ,“ Someday you will have need of him. I have foreseen this. If you do not honor your word now, you are sentencing all Ullans to death. There is war coming, my laird. Perhaps not in your lifetime, but soon, and this man will be Ull a’ s salvation. Would you leave your heirs unprotected ? ”
    Amd i’ s glance swept the thinning crowd. He settled on two sturdy-looking young men. Both tanned, with the burnished skin of the Ullans and dark hair like their father, but with light eyes like their mother. Kaleigh had given Amdi his heirs. It explained why

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