The Darke Crusade

The Darke Crusade by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Darke Crusade by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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defend yourself as the guards rush to attack.
    Tukodak Guards: COMBAT SKILL  38    ENDURANCE  34
    If you win this combat, turn to 12 .

    You crash down upon a stack of ale barrels which, in turn, topple and fall, pinning you beneath them. Yet despite your heavy landing, your cat-like reflexes save you from sustaining any serious injuries: lose only 1 ENDURANCE point.
    At once you try to extricate yourself from beneath the heavy casks, but a sudden sound causes you to stop and stare at the broken trapdoor. In the alleyway above, you hear the sounds of a struggle taking place: the Drakkarim have found your companion, Prarg, and they are attempting to overpower him by force.
    Turn to 225 .

    Dawn breaks as you sail into the estuary of Dakushna's Channel. Prarg keeps the boat in the centre of the wide waterway, where the slimy water is deepest and the ever-present risk of grounding upon submerged debris is less likely to befall you.
    Soon you are enveloped by the chaotic wilderness of the Hellswamp and you feel your spirits drop, as if they are being leeched by some unseen vampire. The monotonous view of slime-laden mudflats extends seemingly forever on every side, broken only occasionally by a dead, vine-strangled tree. You both take some comfort in the fact that there is a wind and it is blowing in a favourable direction. Despite the depressing scenery you make good progress until, late in the afternoon, you are forced to lower your sail when you reach a point where unexpectedly the channel splits in two. Prarg says that this split must have occurred recently, for it was not present the last time he sailed this way. Reluctantly he admits that he is not sure which way to go.
    Upon the edge of the left bank, in the middle distance, you see a circle of mud huts perched close to the channel's edge. You magnify your vision, but you are unable to discern any signs of life.
    If you wish to enter the left channel which passes close to the circle of mud huts, turn to 144 .
    If you wish to take the right channel and thereby avoid passing by the huts, turn to 235 .

    ‘I'll prepare a diversion. When the guards and their dogs are drawn away from the perimeter fence, you must act quickly. You and your men must storm the gates. Once you are free, make your way to the armoury with all haste. You'll find your weapons there.’
    ‘That's all very well,’ replies the captain, sceptically, ‘but how do you propose we get into the armoury? It's the most secure building in the town.’
    ‘Don't worry about that,’ you say, with confidence. ‘I shall be inside, waiting to let you in.’
    For a few moments the captain considers your plan in silence. Then, with a nod, he finally agrees.
    ‘Very well, so be it. I'll pass the word.’
    You watch as he returns to his men; then you leave the fence and retrace your steps to the darkened alleyway.
    Turn to 305 .

    As you charge towards the sentries, they huddle together and set the butts of their wavering spears into the ground in readiness to receive your attack. But a sharp burst of Psi-surge unsettles them and they scatter moments before you come galloping upon them. In the next instant you are through the gap in the barricade and racing along the road beyond. You have passed successfully through the inner defensive line, but, as Prarg quickly points out, you have yet to reach the outer defences of Shugkona.
    Turn to 31 .

    Prarg has reservations about your decision; he fears that your curiosity could be leading you both straight into the arms of the enemy. You understand his anxiety but you stand by your decision. Time is running against you and some risks must be taken if you are to discover quickly the location of Magnaarn and the Doomstone. With a nod of his head Prarg accepts the logic of your argument. Then, as if to reaffirm his loyalty, he draws his sword and offers to lead the way.
    Cautiously you follow him through the dense trees, your nerves as taught as bowstrings.

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