The Darke Crusade

The Darke Crusade by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Darke Crusade by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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to 180 .
    If you do not or choose not to use it, turn to 7 .

    You crash down upon the unsuspecting lancer, but the shock of impact does not unseat him and desperately he struggles to fend you off. He gouges your cheek with his studded gauntlets before you succeed in knocking him out of the saddle: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
    The lancer falls heavily to the ground, striking his head. Before he can recover his senses, you seize control of the horse and take off across the square. With your left hand you unholster the lance and bring it to bear as you gallop headlong towards the backs of the Drakkarim soldiers who stand between you and the platform.
    Turn to 63 .

    The moment you feel the icy cold waters of the Gourneni lapping about your legs, you press your shoulders to the stern timbers and launch the boat into the shallows. Prarg scrambles over the side, and then turns with his arms outstretched to pull you aboard.
    ‘Quickly, Lone Wolf!’ he screams, ‘they're nearly upon us!’
    With Prarg's help you clamber over the gunwale, narrowly avoiding the horns of a Gorodon as you tumble head-over-heels into the bottom of the boat. Unaided, the boat drifts towards the middle of the river and is soon beyond reach of the Gorodons who, despite their hunger, have decided not to pursue.
    ‘That was too close for comfort,’ says Prarg, as he struggles to free the oars and set them in place. ‘We can count ourselves lucky to have escaped with our lives and limbs intact. The first time I navigated these channels I lost three good men in a Gorodon attack. These beasts are the bane of this accursed place … yet, 'tis true to say, there are other creatures here that are far worse. Far worse.’
    Using the oars you soon reach the west bank where, once safely ashore, you encamp on a strip of frozen loam that overlooks a bleak expanse of marsh. Night has fallen and so too has the temperature. From the shelter of your upturned boat you cast your experienced eye across the darkening skies and see banks of cloud, heavy with snow, scudding the distant horizon. They are an unwelcome sight, the precursors to a winter storm.
    Prarg volunteers to continue the first watch but, mindful that his need for rest is greater than yours, you insist that he gets some sleep. For four hours you sit and scan the bleak horizon, your mind filled with unanswered questions about the mission and the dangers you have yet to face. While you ponder what awaits you in the near future, you remain watchful and alert, your encounter on the east bank still vivid in your mind. Fortunately, the increasing cold dissuades the Hellswamp's inhabitants from leaving their lairs this night and your watch passes without incident.
    Then the time comes for you to awaken Prarg. With a noticeable lack of enthusiasm he takes his turn while you settle yourself down to catch a few hours of much needed sleep.
    Turn to 327 .

    The ambush is swift and devastating, yet despite having been caught completely unawares, the Drakkarim cavalry put up a spirited fight. Their leader is a formidable swordsman and more than a dozen Lencians die beneath his swishing blade before he finds himself in face-to-face combat with a Kai Grand Master.
    Zagganozod Captain: COMBAT SKILL  36    ENDURANCE  38
    If you win this combat, turn to 341 .

    Your super-keen senses warn you that Prarg is walking towards a patch of thin ice. At once you shout a warning and he halts in his tracks. Then, carefully, he retraces his steps and follows in your footsteps as you make a wide detour around this perilous section. An hour later you reach the far side of the lake and hurry into the forest beyond.
    Turn to 187 .

    Despite your realistic disguise and plausible story, the Tukodak guards are not deceived.
    ‘Gazim!’ shouts the spear-wielder, and you are forced to knock Prarg aside to save his life as the angry Drakkar thrusts at his chest. You move back a few paces and draw your weapon just in time to

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