The Deadliest Cast Member - Disneyland Interactive Thriller Series - EPISODE FOUR (Jack Duncan) (SEASON ONE)

The Deadliest Cast Member - Disneyland Interactive Thriller Series - EPISODE FOUR (Jack Duncan) (SEASON ONE) by Kelly Ryan Johns

Book: The Deadliest Cast Member - Disneyland Interactive Thriller Series - EPISODE FOUR (Jack Duncan) (SEASON ONE) by Kelly Ryan Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Ryan Johns
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Jack’s iPhone screen.
    “Mr. Duncan, please hold for the President of the United States.”
    Jack’s eyes shifted towards Kendall as he spoke, “Mr. President.”
    “Jack, every available special ops team in the area is outside the Park right now, and ready to advance. al-Haddad must be captured at all costs.”
    “Yes, Mr. President, that’s why I’m trying to penetrate this tunnel, to disarm the bomb and stop Khalid.”
    “But Jack, that’s not the order, the order is to find al-Haddad and take him out. He is the number two al-Qaeda operative in the world, and he is your number one priority. His presence has drastically altered this situation.”
    “Sir, what about the bomb?”
    “Jack, like I said, al-Haddad is our number one target.”
    Jack’s heart sunk as he realized the President and his advisors had already decided the fate of everyone at the Resort. Disarming the bomb had taken second seat to eliminating al-Haddad.
    “We have reason to believe that al-Haddad could possess some form of a nuclear weapon, Jack. If he’s not apprehended, it could mean the death of millions of people.”
    The 50,000 people, including his kids, were a small price to pay if al-Haddad could be prevented from detonating a nuclear device in Los Angeles.  
    “Mr. President,” Jack argued, “I have the best operatives in the world here, we can still disarm this bomb AND stop Khalid. Please give me the opportunity to do this.”
    “Jack,” The President paused trying to find a way to reassure Jack, “I know your kids are on the property, and I can’t tell you how hard of a decision this was for me to make, but you have to trust me. Based on the available intelligence, this is my only option. Under no circumstances can a nuclear device be detonated on our soil.”
    Jack clenched his mouth and looked at Kendall as he responded to the President, “Yes, sir, I understand.”
    “Thank you Jack.”
    President Hayes disconnected the line as Jack kept his somber eyes on Kendall.  
    “He wants us to go after Khalid and forget about the bomb, right?” Kendall asked.  
    Jack lowered his head in defeat and looked towards the ground. Kendall put his arm on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Jack, I don’t know what to say. But this is what we signed up for, you know that.”
    Jack’s jaw locked, and he looked Kendall in the eyes, “We are NOT on active duty Kendall, we are private citizens.”
    “Jack, whoa, wait a minute, I know that, but you can’t disobey direct orders from the President of the United States?”
    “I’m not saying I’m going to do that.”
    “Then what?”
    “The less you know the better Kendall, just trust me. I need to get to this meeting with Nikolai, and I need you to watch Gaur, he may be our mole.”
    “Yes. Keep an eye on him, don’t let him out of your sight. Order all teams to make Khalid their number one priority.”
    “Ok,” Kendall stopped and grabbed Jack’s arm, “let’s get the kids out of here, I’ll figure out a way to make it happen.”
    “We can’t, Nikolai is monitoring them. If we try to move them he could detonate the bomb.”
    “Maybe that’s a chance we need to take.”
    Jack paused to think. Kendall had a point.  
    “What do you have in mind?”
    “I don’t now, let me think and figure it out. Do I have your permission to act if I have a good enough plan?”
    Jack glanced down at the live feed of Andy and Grace on his wrist device as emotions swept over him and his chest heaved up and down. He looked back up at Kendall.
    “Do it.”

August 11, 2010
    Dream Suite
    Disneyland Park

    Jack walked towards the Dream Suite to regroup before his meeting with Nikolai. His phone flashed. It was Reuab.
    “Jack,” Reuab said in a low ragged voice, “I put this guy through a lot and got him to talk.”
    “What did he say?”
    “He’s saying someone named Ruddy is involved, that Nikolai is in the tunnels, but he has no clue of how to get in. I think he’s

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