The Deliverer

The Deliverer by Linda Rios Brook Page A

Book: The Deliverer by Linda Rios Brook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Rios Brook
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Christian
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back to Satan’s lair right then to let him know where we were in the process, but then I had a reality check. When Moses got to the gate, how was he going to get in? I know what I said about him being raised as Ramses’ brother, but that was a long time ago. These guards wouldn’t remember him; they were too young. They wouldn’t know or care who he was. They were highly unlikely to let a wandering goatherd enter the gates without any prior authorization. Maybe it wasn’t worth getting Satan riled up just yet. I decided to follow Moses and see what would happen.
    When we got to the gate, it was just as I thought. The Egyptian guards were posted on top of the wall over the massive doors. Beside each one of them was one of Satan’s henchmen to make sure the guards did not let Moses through in case he ever showed up again. As Bezel tried to remind Satan, the demons had been stationed there since Moses fled forty years earlier just in case he ever tried to come back. Moses banged on the gate with the staff the Lord had given him. I must say it did make quite a loud noise for a piece of wood. I thought I’d better wave a wing at the demons on the wall to let them know I was with Moses in case they were planning some sort of attack. They had a habit of overlooking me, and I didn’t want to end up as barbecue if there was a fight. I took a step forward to get in a better position, but when I looked back up to the place on the wall where they had been, they were gone. The human guards were still there, but every last one of the demonic horde was gone. Now, that was odd.
    I stayed behind Moses, simultaneously wondering where our side went and not believing it when the gates began to open. You know how you get that funny feeling down your scales—or in your case, down your spine—when you realize you’re not alone? I was getting that feeling when all at once I heard a snort and felt hot breath right down the back of my neck. I turned around and was face-to-nostril with the biggest white horse I’d ever seen. In fact, there were six of them. I had to step back to see how grand they really were. When I did, I saw on their backs the elite guard of the heavenly host.
    No wonder the demon guards had fled. Moses couldn’t see them and had no idea the angels were even there, much less that they had arrived to ensure he got into the city. He looked first at his staff and then at the opening gates in pure amazement, having no idea that the cavalry of heaven stood round about him. The great stallion stomped his glistening hoof and snorted at me. Time to go.
    I tried to flee, but I’m not at my best under stress. Those snorting horses made me so nervous I couldn’t get my hooves and wings going in the same direction. I hopped around trying to get liftoff, but my tail acted like a sack of rocks. The lead horse was now bearing down on top of me with those flaring nostrils right in my contorted face. I just knew he was going to step on me.
    I decided to play dead. I whimpered and rolled up in a ball under his massive chest. I figured out right away this was not a great idea, but as I said, I’m not good under pressure. The horse sniffed at me and then tossed his head, turned, kicked with those powerful legs, and sent me flying into the vast expanse. When I stopped spinning, I began flapping for all I was worth as I beat a quick path back to the second heaven.
    But I wasn’t as fast as the demon guards who had already made it back to Satan’s court. He was furious when he learned they had left their posts. They stood cowering before him as he blasted them for abandoning their assignment. I tried not to show it, but I enjoyed seeing someone besides me on the receiving end of his thrashing. He glanced my way, seeming surprised to see me.
    “Why are you here?”
    “I live here, Your Majesty.” Never try to be flip with Satan.
    I ducked whatever it was he threw at me and went on. “What I mean is that I’m back to report. Moses got

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