The Demon King and I

The Demon King and I by Candace Havens

Book: The Demon King and I by Candace Havens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Havens
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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clean. This guy knew what he was doing.”
    I sat down in my desk chair and stared out the window. The sun brightened the landscape and the rich yellows and oranges of the changing leaves would have been a glorious sight, if I weren’t mourning the loss of a friend. “How did you explain why you were there?”
    “Didn’t have to. Someone else called it in. Told them I heard it on the scanner and stopped by to see if they needed some help.” That wasn’t unusual. Kyle was a good profiler, as well as a detective, and consulted with several law enforcement agencies. It helped us that he was so well respected, because they never questioned why he always seemed to know so many details about the scenes. “So do you have any idea who might have wanted her dead?”
    I bit my lip. “Not a clue. They have real estate holdings all over the world. Markie looked the part of a bubbleheaded blonde, but she had a wicked sense for business. Since she took over the company it’s grown, but people love her. Kyle, I really hate this.”
    “I know.” His voice was soft. He did understand. I never wanted these dreams, and they seemed to happen more often now.
    I couldn’t get the killer’s voice out of my head. “Kyle?”
    “The voice in my dream had an accent. I don’t know what kind but it was European. He rolled his r ’s. I’m usually good with that sort of thing, but I can’t place it. Could have been Italian, French, or Spanish.”
    “Don’t worry, Gillian. We’ll find the guy. We always do.” He hung up the phone.
    I hugged my arms around my body and took a deep breath. The killer wanted me to know he had the power to kill one of my friends. My heart ached for Markie and her family, but I was also worried about what this maniac might do next. He wasn’t finished, I was certain about that.
    I opened my cell phone. I needed my sisters and Bailey, and I needed them now.

    Alex arranged it so we could all meet at Club Zonk, one of the many nightclubs she owns. Our first pet was a lazy hound dog given to my dad by one of his friends, and we called him Zonk, because he never stayed awake for long. Years after he died we still used phrases like “I’m zonked.” Or my favorite, “I’m zonkered.”
    The laid-back vibe of the place worked well in Austin. Every night the club was open there was a long line of patrons wanting to curl up on the large round leather sofas or dance on the dimly lit floor. Friends of Alex’s showed up all the time to practice new songs in front of an audience. Blues, rock, country, it didn’t matter. Club Zonk played a mixture of everything. Some of her clubs around the world were loud and wild discos, but Zonk lived up to its name. It was a quiet place to dance, drink, and hang out with friends.
    The VIP area was upstairs behind what looked like a mirrored wall. On the other side of the glass was a comfy lounge with well-placed sofas, and curtained booths for privacy.
    After letting the paparazzi snap a few photos I moved through the crowd at the door and into the VIP entrance. The area at the top of the stairs had been cordoned off with black rope and a “Private Party” sign.
    Appetizer trays were tastefully displayed on a small buffet, and Alex sat in one of the large round booths talking on her cell. She motioned me toward her.
    “Tell them I want them in cobalt or not at all, and if it’s delayed one more day, I’ll go to another supplier.” She snapped the phone shut and reached up to grab my hand. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about Markie.”
    I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “It’s just wrong.”
    She nodded. “Patrick is bringing up a couple of pitchers of Matadors.”
    I raised an eyebrow.
    “Hey, a little alcohol always helps the grieving process, and God knows we all need to relax a little. We’ve been under a lot of stress with the jobs, and the jobs. ” She rolled her eyes. “Now Markie. The universe is trying to tell us something, but

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