The Devil's Closet
child murderer.
    “At first, after reviewing the file, I believed the killer to fall under the category of sexual sadist, also known as an anger-excitation rapist. This is someone who is cunning and accomplished at deception and rationalizes their actions.”
    So far his description was clear enough. “Feeling no remorse or guilt, the sexual sadist considers himself superior to society and law enforcement in particular.”
    Both the Hanna Parker and Tampa murders displayed the three most important traits of a sexual sadist: ritualism, the killer’s fantasies, and the crime itself, which is the least common and most violent.
    He further went on to explain that a ritual murderer commits acts that are unnecessary to the commission of the crime. Examples in these cases being the makeup, ribbons, and doll shoe. What also pointed Michael toward a sexual-sadist definition is that ritualistic killers remain constant over time, but may add what they feel are enhancements—hence the doll shoe. The ritualistic aspect of the killer is a more powerful tool in finding him than his modus operandi, or MO. The killer’s signature, a unique combination of behaviors across two or more crimes, would be the painted face and ribbons.
    “I believe that the killer used a surprise approach in abducting Hanna, which is an immediate capture of the victim without injuries or force. I was convinced we were dealing with a sexual sadist until we saw how Hanna had been laid out, brushed off, and coiffed, as if a great amount of care had been taken. This contradicts a sexual sadist, but points somewhat toward a pseudo-unselfish offender, someone complimentary, apologetic, polite, verbally nonsexual, and reassuring to his victim.”
    Calm and stern faced, Michael walked to his seat and took a long drink from a bottle of water, while we all sat silent, trying to take in everything he said so far.
    He began again, trying to explain how the sexual and ritual traits of our killer were contradictory and highly unusual for one killer to have.
    “So you think there might be two killers, each putting their own flair into the murders?” Coop asked, reading my mind.
    “I won’t rule out anything right now. We could be dealing with a split personality, one man’s imagination and fantasies. A combination that offers no sureties in any criminal case, no matter how experienced the profiler or law enforcement is”
    He lightly coughed. “I believe our killer expresses the violence and urges of the sexual sadist, but later feels remorse. I also believe the killer realizes he is sick and that leaving the doll shoe is an indication that he wants to get caught, that he wants to be stopped. But the sadist part of him wants to find out if law enforcement is smarter than he is.”
    Coop interrupted. “Michael, from what you’re saying, it sounds as if he’s at the end of his rope and his behavior might be escalating.”
    “Absolutely. I think there will be another murder, if there hasn’t been already. The killer may travel and not live here, and could already be in another state by now. Whatever, I think he’s ready to explode.”
    Michael filled in more of the pieces. He felt the suspect was a white male in his late forties or fifties. His theory on the age was due to the time since the Florida killing.
    “The suspect is very organized, educated, and knowledgeable in law enforcement, possibly from crime documentaries, books, or magazines. Sixty-one percent of serial killers collect violent-theme pornography, while nearly all pedophiles collect some type of child pornography and erotica.” He also said that it was possible the killer held a job for many years and had no criminal record.
    “The bottom line,” Michael continued, “is he will continue to kill. Like all other pedophiles, asking them not to be attracted to children anymore is like asking a heterosexual to turn gay, or vice versa.”
    “How does he feel afterward, Michael?” Kincaid asked.

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