The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2)

The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2) by Solease M Barner Page B

Book: The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2) by Solease M Barner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Solease M Barner
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that will take care of a one-day stay. I go in and make the deal with Samuel, and I go to a room that is mine for the night. I walk in and go sit in the chair by the window and cry. I cry for believing that someone could actually want me, the fact is I’m only good for being used. My phone begins to ring and I see it’s Showken. I hit ignore and get a voice message. It rings again and the same thing happens. This continues for the next five hours, Showken calling, I hit ignore and he leaves a message. I should turn my phone off, but I can’t in this house. I never know if Samuel is in trouble, and I need to let someone know where to find me. I finally call Jasmine.
    “ Marilyn, I’ve been worried sick about you, where are you? Showken called me and told me what happened. Oh honey, I’m so sorry. You can believe I asked him if he decided to eat some Dicko cereal this morning,” Jasmine says, and I smile, imagining Jasmine going off on Showken, I’m sure he didn’t get a word in.
    “I’m fine, just need to clear my head, you know. I mean, Jazz, everyone uses me, except for you of course. But I’m just a toy to people, to use whenever they choose,” I say, not realizing the tears are flowing again. My door opens and a woman peers in, she pulls her client out to go into another room.
    “Fuck him Mari, you are beautiful, smart and my best friend. I love you . Please don’t run, just come over, I already have Bruiser, I went to your house and you weren’t there. I’m worried.”
    “I know, umm I will come over tomorrow. I promise, I just need tonight to get my head on straight, I need to go ,” I say, feeling a full crying spell coming on, again.
    “Ok ay, Mari, but your behind needs to be at my house tomorrow morning or I’m reporting you missing,” Jasmine says. I know she’s serious, and I will be at her house tomorrow, I just need to feel this pain.
    “Ok ay, bye.”
    “Bye, Mari. Tomorrow morning or missing persons’ report,” she says. I hang up, and look out the window at the busy traffic outside the house. Samuel always keeps you working seven days a week. I look at my phone and I have twenty messages from Showken. Why is he doing this? He got what he wanted. I get out my gun, placing it beside my thigh away from the door, this will keep me safe for tonight, but tomorrow I will be gone. I go into my shell and look at the men and women coming and going from Samuel’s place.
    The next morning I say my goodbyes to Samuel, he tells me I’m always welcome and I leave without any problems. Samuel may have used me in the past, selling me for money, but it was my choice. I made the decision to stay, and I made the decision to leave. My mind is clear and I’m not crying any more. I will not be used any longer. Showken doesn’t exist to me any longer. He’s dead to me, like my father and mother.

    “LAYERN I NEED TO FIND HER NOOOOOW!!” I yell, trying to gain some composure. I can’t believe myself. I’m a fool. The look in her eyes is nothing but hurt.
    “Showken, calm down. If I do find her, you can’t go see her like this. You need to calm down,” Layern says, calmly. He is such an ass.
    “FUCK CALM! ” I yell, picking up the sofa in the living area and throwing it into the kitchen. I can’t find her because she’s hiding from me. I have been calling, texting, and I even talked with Jasmine, who called me names I never heard of. I deserve it, though. I’ve never felt so bad in my life. How could I do this to her?
    “Showken, you need to get control, and stop throwing furniture ,” Domlen says, narrowing his eyes. I take a deep breath, and my beast calms.
    “Domlen, I hurt her bad. I saw it in her eyes. I don’t know what to do, I can’t leave her alone , I have to fix this. I have to.” I continue to pace, and I look over and notice that my brother, who is always talking, is now quiet. He knows something.
    “Hawken, do you know where she might be? I look ed

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