The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
I have a good feeling about you. I believe
that you will be the one to end the Evil Queen’s reign over our Kingdom, but heed my warning.
Always remember that evil will do everything it can to trick you.
You will need to remain strong and
have faith in those around you, but above all; remember to have confidence in yourself. If you
remember these things, you will be triumphant.”
    “Thank you, Arianna, I will remember.” Cassy
bowed her head and then gazed at
Arianna with tears forming in her eyes. She had never had anyone
have so much faith in her, and she hoped that she could live up to
the trust put in her now.
    Arianna turned to Roupert. “I must take my
leave. The Lillients will keep watch over you during your quest
against Queen Alona. Should you need our assistance, you know how
to summon us.”
    Arianna quickly glanced at Aaron and Cassy,
and then in a flash of light, she was gone.
    “Wow, that was so cool,” Aaron said
    Cassy stood transfixed, unsure of what to
say. After a few moments, she turned to Roupert. “Do you believe
that I can really beat the Evil Queen? I’m just a kid. I’ve never
done anything like this before.”
    Roupert knew that she was frightened, and
honestly, he understood her fear. Since the Evil Queen took control
of Walandra, he had lived in constant fear that she would discover
the secret he had kept hidden deep in the woods.
    “I believe in the power of the Blood Key,
Cassy. If it has faith in you then so do I,” he reached out and
rested his hand on her shoulder.
    “Cassandra, please call me Cassandra,” she
said with her cheeks flushing the softest shade of red.
    Roupert bowed before her. “As you wish,
Cassandra; come, I would like to make the Falls of Clamore before
nightfall,” Roupert said as he continued along the path.

    They had walked for nearly an hour in
complete silence when Cassy finally spoke.
    “Roupert, why did Arianna call you, Sir, and
then bow to you?”
    Roupert had hoped the children had not
noticed the formality of the greeting between him and Arianna. It
had been many years since anyone had referred to him in such a
manner, and honestly, he did not want to have to explain it to
Frier either.
    “I’m not sure this is the proper time to
share that information with you.” He kept his head forward,
unwilling to meet her questioning glance.
    “Come on, I thought we were in this thing
together. How are we supposed to beat the Evil Queen if we have
secrets between us?” Cassy reached out and took a hold of Roupert’s
    “Yeah, I thought we were a team,” Aaron said
with a hint of sadness in his voice.
    Realizing they would not let the subject go
unanswered, Roupert stopped and looked around for a place for them
to rest. “Fine, why don’t we stop for a rest and have something to
eat. I’m sure Aaron is ready for some food.”
    “I thought we’d never stop to eat; I’m
starving,” Aaron grinned as he rubbed his stomach.
    “That is no surprise,” Roupert laughed.
“Come let us sit and enjoy a meal then I will tell you of how I
came to know the Lillients.”

    Once they had finished their meal, Roupert
returned the pouches of food to his leather pack. Cassy sat across
from Roupert anxiously waiting for him to share the story of the
Lillients, and of the secret when
she noticed Aaron lean back against the tree behind him.
    “I’m tired; I think I’ll relax for a while,”
Aaron yawned. No sooner had he closed his eyes than he was soundly
    Cassy shook her head, giggling softly. “I
guess he was tired. Well, I’m not, please continue with your
    “Let me see, where shall I begin. Prior to
the rule of Queen Alona, I was the King’s most trusted guard. Even
though I was younger than many of the King’s guards, I had proven
myself and gained the King’s confidence .”
    Roupert glanced away, not wanting to meet
Cassy’s gaze. “I will never forgive myself for not protecting him
from Alona. If I had only

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