The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
is out of the question?” she grinned.
    Roupert was confused by her statement. “What
is a Jeep 4x4?”
    “It’s the coolest car ever built,” Aaron
    “Car; what is a car, and why would you want
one? Is it some sort of wagon?” Roupert asked.
    “Yeah, sort of; I guess you can think of it
as a wagon that moves by itself. You get inside of it and it takes
you to where you want to go.” Cassy hoped that he understood her
explanation. “I just thought it would be nice not to have to walk
the entire way.”
    “I do not know what this Jeep 4x4 is you
speak of, but we do not have them
in Walandra. Therefore, you cannot use your magic to make one. The
magic of the Blood Key only works for things of this realm.”
Roupert pointed to the path leading into the woods. “Come, we have
far to travel before night.”

    As the four of them walked through the
woods, Cassy could not help but notice the beauty of everything around her. There were unusual
looking flowers with blooms that looked like little faces
surrounded by petals lining the
path, and rich, green-colored mossy grass covering the forest
    “What’s that?” Cassy pointed to the small
creature sitting atop a stump.
    “That’s a Lillient . They are woodland creatures who once served the
King and Queen,” Roupert answered as he waved his hand toward the
    Suddenly, the creature rose into the air
with a burst of light, spread its delicate wings, and flew toward
Roupert, stopping in front of him.
    “Good day, Sir Roupert, it is a pleasure to
see you again,” the Lillient said in a warm and friendly voice.
    “Good day, Arianna, it is a pleasure to see
you as well,” Roupert bowed his head. “What brings you here
    Arianna briefly glanced over at Cassy and
Aaron then back to Roupert. “We heard murmurings from the woodland
creatures that Abigail had returned.”
    She turned and looked at Cassy again.
“Nonetheless, this is not Abigail. What is your name child?”
    “My name is Cassy.”
    Arianna looked closer at Cassy then shook
her head. “I ask again, what is your name child?”
    “Cassandra, my name is Cassandra.”
    “ Excellent ,
one with such a lovely name should always use it,” Arianna
    Aaron began to laugh at the stunned looked
on Cassy’s face, but stopped when he saw the look of displeasure
appear on Arianna’s face.
    Arianna turned and looked directly at Aaron.
“Why do you laugh, Aaron? It is not polite to find joy in one’s embarrassment.”
    Cassy looked at Arianna and saw the playful wink letting her know that
she was not angry.
    “I gather that you are headed to face the
Evil Queen Alona, am I correct?” Arianna said to Roupert.
    “Yes, I believe it is time for the curse to
end and free the subjects of Walandra, as well as our Queen.”
    “This is the wish of the Lillients as well. For far too long we have
lived under the cruel hand of Queen Alona. We have all longed for
the day our Champion would appear and free us from her
    As Roupert and Arianna spoke, Cassy found
herself transfixed by the beauty
of the Lillient. She was roughly twelve inches tall, and her
delicate wings shimmered like polished gold and fluttered gently,
keeping her in place. Cassy noticed that her clothing simmered with
a warm glow that seemed to surround her, and she found it to be
quite mesmerizing. Arianna also wore a crown made of small flowers,
which sat atop her thick red hair.
She was quite beautiful, and Cassy wondered if she would get to
meet more of her kind.
    “Hey, it’s time to go,” Aaron elbowed Cassy,
bringing her out of her trance.
    “Okay, sorry,” she said, turning away from
    “I will let the others know that you have
the Champion and are headed to the castle. Be safe, my friend.”
Arianna smiled then bowed toward Roupert.
    “Thank you and I look forward to our next
meeting,” Roupert bowed as well.
    Arianna turned and faced Cassy. “Cassandra,
I want you to know that

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