The Dreams

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Book: The Dreams by Naguib Mahfouz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naguib Mahfouz
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wall of medium height, enough to conceal what was happening within from those outside. From behind the wall projected an obelisk with a flag on its pinnacle, while the ground around it was covered with young people and their commotion.
    At first I imagined this was an athletic club. But after looking about more carefully I became convinced it was a circus—for here was a group marching four abreast, and there was a troupe whose members traded shouts and kicks, while another group exchanged insults with every move. As for the rest of the youths, they sang anthems such as had never been heard before.
    Wanting to learn more, I found myself beyond the great wall of the city, which a gigantic street sliced through. On both sides of the road, the crowds gathered outside the wall, their cheers rising up to the flag on top of the obelisk. Finally, the great door opened, from which issued a procession, car after car. In each car a young man sat in regal attitude, looking down at the people from on high, returning their greetings with arrogance and scorn.

Dream 64

    I n horrific terror, my feet were nailed to the ground—for at only an arm’s length from me, three huge, savage dogs were rearing up on their hind legs, ready to leap and tear me to pieces—if a woman hadn’t daringly grabbed their tails.
    On my right stood a female dog in the full splendor of youth, with a wondrously smooth, white coat, watching what was going on with an anxiety that showed in the constant twitchings of her short-cropped tail.
    The three dogs’ barking rose higher in a thunderous crescendo, the burning lust to destroy me gleaming in their eyes. Unable to get at me, they turned suddenly and pounced on the woman—and my heart was gripped by panic. Then the dogs threw themselves at me. As for the beautiful bitch, she stared at me for a while—then hesitated a fleeting moment before heedlessly plunging into the fray.

Dream 65

    T he academic year was done, and the date for the examination was declared. We hadn’t once cracked a book nor memorized a sentence—and now we had to think about what to do.
    A few of us still retained some respect for rationality, and so decided not to sit for the exam. The rest, however—afire with derision and mockery—seized the chance to show off by choosing to take the test anyway. On the famous morning we formed ourselves into lines and donned masks of seriousness and concern. Then the head of the committee stood up, announcing in a booming voice that he would hand out two papers to us. One of them contained the questions and the other the correct answers.
    With this, we practically lost our minds—for we had not dreamed that any of our professors could possibly surpass us in the love of absurdity and the bizarre.

Dream 66

    T he owner and I came to an agreement—and the man invited me to inspect what we had reached agreement about. He showed me his beautiful apartment, his stunning wife, and her three-year-old son. I was pleased with what I saw and so made an appointment for nine o’clock the next morning when the property would become mine.
    An irresistible force drove me to the flat. The door opened—and it was the owner himself. Seeing me, he became enraged and slammed the door in my face, rattling the walls. I spent the night without sleeping, wondering with great agitation about Destiny and the slamming of the door.

Dream 67

    A huge building—you wouldn’t miss it. Originally it housed the ministry that employed me. When I saw young people going back to it, I too wanted to visit it.
    Inside I ran into a group of old colleagues and I was glad to see them. We walked from room to room and through memory after memory until we had made the past rise from its musty tomb. We passed a huge, amazing staircase and I immediately ascended to the third floor. There I found many young men. Whenever one of them would notice me, his face would frown at me disapprovingly.
    My heart pounded. I felt the need to

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