The Emerald Talisman
another cat ? I looked up
    Though the Bobcat prefers rabbits and hares , it will hunt
anything from insects and small rodents to deer .
    Nope, it wasn’t that.
    Extremely rare?
    Something just didn’t fit.
    Suddenly Aladdin jumped up onto my lap and
startled me. She looked right up at me and meowed loudly, begging
for some affection.
    “Laudie, you brat,” I said as I gave her my
meanest glare.
    It didn’t faze her as she rubbed her head
against my outstretched arm, meowing repeatedly. Reluctant, I
scratched her neck.
    She gently purred and started kneading my leg
as if it were dough. I continued to pet her when it donned on me;
she belonged to the cat family.
    I mentally reached out to see if I could
sense her emotions. I would think I’d be able to feel her happiness
and contentment as she purred softly on my lap, but I felt
    So, it had to be something other than an
animal or was it only extreme emotions I felt.
    I thought about startling her to be mean, but
decided against it as I casually glanced at the time. It was 9:32
    Where did the time go?
    I felt all hope drain from my body like a
deflated balloon as the reality sunk in. He didn’t come and I would
have to start the wait all over again tomorrow. I sulked as I
limped upstairs and got ready for bed, fighting my
    Why did I make such a big deal about it at
school today? If it wasn’t for Luke actually meeting him, I would
be sure people would think I’d made the whole story up. I started
to think that I did. But my healing cuts and aching bruises were a
constant reminder that it happened.
    Oh, this is so embarrassing.
    I climbed into bed and turned off the light.
I looked out the window again at the night sky wanting the stars to
guide me, maybe give me answers.
    But what could have kept him? I didn’t know
his last name, where he lived, or anything about him to find him. I
worried my earlier gut reaction was right and I’d never see him
    The letdown was overwhelming. I had such
hopes that maybe he was different. That he cared. Not knowing made
me furious. I started to wish he’d just left me there. I’m sure I
would have survived the fall. At least being laid up in the
hospital with pain medication would feel better than the complete
embarrassment I felt right now.
    Why would he promise to come see me and not
come? I wanted to feel sorry for myself, but my frustration
overpowered me. He wasn’t going to have this type of pull on me any
    I refuse to get upset over some boy I just
met! Get a hold of yourself, Julia!
    Angrily, I grabbed the dirty shirt I slept
with the night before and threw it in the corner. His scent had no
business lingering on my bed, even though it had faded to just a
whisper. I balled up my pillows before throwing my head down on
them and shut my eyes tight. I was going to go to sleep if it
killed me.
    It didn’t matter though. As soon as I closed
my eyes, I saw his face; his beautiful eyes shining radiantly down
at me and felt the pull that melted my heart. I knew, no matter
what I did, he was going to haunt me forever.

. . .


    My eyes slowly opened and I strained to focus
on the blurry surroundings. I recognized the place at once – I
stood alone in the dark forest. What was I doing here again? I knew
the creature was going to return and eat me like it wanted to and I
had to get out of there but my legs wouldn’t move. I turned before
I heard the angry snarl. The noise came from just beyond the trees.
Frozen in fear, I waited and watched. Evil green eyes appeared and
stared out at me with lips curled up to reveal teeth ready to rip
me to shreds. I shied away but knew I couldn’t defend myself. I
gasped when I recognized the face that bore daggers into me. It was
    I found myself sitting up in bed, drenched in
sweat and screaming. I looked around the dimly lit room for the
thing I feared, but the dark images floated away like a fine mist

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