The Emerald Talisman
wanting to hear the story. I couldn’t believe it!” I gushed.
    “No one had the guts to tell you you were
stupid for going out on that trail alone last night?” he said with
a smirk.
    “No,” I chided back, sticking my tongue out.
He did have a point. “I think my school is just desperate for some
good gossip and my mishap fit the bill.”
    “Uh huh.”
    I could tell he only half listened to me.
    “I still can’t believe it happened, you
know?” I babbled. “I mean, here I am, hanging off the cliff and
Nicholas is there to catch me just in time. If you think about it,
it’s so crazy.”
    “Yeah, you are.”
    “Shut up!” I said as I jabbed him in the side
deciding it would be better to remain silent the rest of the ride
    At home, I quickly changed and put on a light
pink shirt I always received compliments on. I also touched up my
makeup and fixed my hair a little bit, still trying to look
    I decided that I would sit on the couch close
to the front window, with my leg propped up and work on homework
until he showed up. This would give me a perfect view of the street
and still look casual.
    But I got nothing done. Every car that drove
by, or walker on the sidewalk, drew my attention and my head bobbed
up in anticipation. This constant back and forth made it impossible
for me to concentrate, so I gave up trying to do anything and just
stared out of the window instead.
    I tried to imagine what he might be doing at
the moment. Did he have a job? And did he live close by? And how
old was he really? Maybe he would take me to homecoming. Visions of
me and him dancing on the floor with the “popular” guys looking on
made me smile. I would have a real date for once.
    I also couldn’t wait to get a little better
so I could return to the place where we’d met. The thought of going
back to the cliff made my insides knot up, in a good way. Maybe I
could find some answers to my questions too.
    “Don’t even think about milking this injury,”
Luke joked as he walked past the living room. “You’re still going
to have to do your chores.”
    “Whatever! I’d trade this sprained ankle with
you in a second to do chores!” I yelled after watching him
disappear upstairs.
    I hoped he wasn’t watching me a few seconds
ago when a goofy grin covered my face.
    Dad cooked salmon for dinner and it made the
house smell like a seafood restaurant. I moved from my choice
location into the kitchen to watch him work. I needed another
distraction to help me in my quest for patience.
    “How was your day?” Dad asked, turning for a
brief second.
    “Okay I guess. I’m pretty popular all of a
sudden. Everyone was curious about what happened.”
    “Oh?” he said, as he chopped up veggies to
stir fry.
    I’d always felt like my dad was different
than other dads. For one, he loved to cook. So did Luke for that
matter. Most other kids’ dads that I knew enjoyed sports or news on
TV in their spare time, but not mine. When he wasn’t traveling on
business or in the kitchen, you could find him in his office, on
his computer doing research or reading a book.
    If I wanted any of his attention at all, this
would have to be the time.
    “I think the kids at school are just bored
for something to talk about.”
    “The good news is my ankle feels a lot
better. I can move around the house without crutches, so I think I
won’t need them in a week like the doctor said.”
    “I see.”
    “I also think now is a good time to get my
gas gauge fixed since I won’t be driving until I do get rid of my
crutches. I was hoping you and Luke would take it in for me.”
    “Oh and when I woke up this morning, I had a
weird incision on my left temple. I think alien’s abducted me in
the night and returned me in the morning because I don’t remember
having to get stitches yesterday.”
    “Uh huh… Wait?” He spun around, his face
contorted. “What did you say?”
    I laughed. “Just checking to see

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