The Equen Queen
it off again. She was afraid of what would happen when the egg finally opened, but for the time being, at least she could warm her hands by it.
    Soon the dungeon bars started to vibrate and the ground shuddered. She clung to the metal shafts in the doorway, imagining the whole city collapsing on top of her, crushing her into shredded meat.
    Low cries and grunts came from nearby cells as the turbulence tossed the other prisoners around in their cells. The egg rolled toward her and Tab held it steady with one hand, ignoring the burning sensation. It was preferable to having the egg smash against the wall, releasing a disoriented, frightened baby dragon in a small space.
    After a while the trembling stopped. Tab let go of the egg, leaned her back against the bars and waited. Other prisoners called out to each other. From their conversation Tab guessed they must have been the sky-traders that Storm and her City Watch had rounded up after the previous vortex-jump.
    Tab took out her Loraskian mood stone and turned it over in her hand. It seemed cloudier than it had been before, but it could have been the light.
    Soon she heard footsteps coming down the stairs – too light and quick to be the prison guards, and too soon to be conquering sky-traders. She dared hope it was her friends and was delighted when they called out to her.
    ‘I can't believe it's you!’ Tab thrust her hands through the bars and Philmon and Amelia grabbed one each.
    ‘You must be starving! We brought you some bread and cheese.’ Amelia pushed a muslin-wrapped package between the bars.
    Tab rocked back on her heels and loosened the cloth quickly, tearing great chunks of bread. She took the canteen from Philmon's outstretched hand and poured the water into her mouth.
    Amelia and Philmon told her about their adventures fighting with the sky-traders, how Amelia had protected the Archon's Palace, holding the wall in place with her skills in levitation when the fortifications were almost breached, about their trip back through the vortex, and about what awaited them on the other side – not one, but two sky-cities!

    ‘Tolrush?’ Tab asked, wide-eyed. Quentaris had left her enemy city behind not long ago. As Verris had reminded her, it was only a matter of time before Tolrush found them.
    ‘No, it's a new city,’ Amelia answered. ‘It's huge.’
    She told Tab about the enormous battle city bound by metal and studs. Of colossal, robed soldiers, with dome-shaped helmets easily seen with the naked eye, even from this distance, how they could hear the drums pounding, punctuating the soldiers’ training drills, and intricate ceremonies with coloured flares.
    ‘The sky-traders are sending up flares in answer, but we don't know what they mean. They are both just floating there at the moment, but there's a new battle in the air,’ Philmon added. ‘You can feel it.’
    Tab took out her mood stone again, and her friends followed suit. The gems were definitely darker and cloudier than they had been, although it was hard to make out the colour in the dingy light.
    ‘Must be the Loraskians,’ Tab mused tucking her gem back into her pocket.
    Then Tab remembered seeing Torby. So much had happened that she hadn't had a chance to tell her friends how she had seen him in the window and how he had sent down a gust of wind like a hug. ‘Stelka seems to think we would be a distraction to him, but I don't know. If I was sick I'd want to know that someone out there cared about me getting better.’
    Amelia and Philmon promised to go past the window when they could, in case Torby was looking out again.
    ‘And Melprin?’ Tab asked between mouthfuls.
    ‘She's made a real mess of the sky-traders’ city,’ Philmon said, grinning. ‘You should see it! Their sails are torn, masts are down, buildings are rubble.’
    ‘But where is she?’ Tab asked.
    Amelia shook her head. ‘Nobody has seen her.’
    All their eyes turned towards the egg.
    ‘What are you going to

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