The Exchange Part 1
distress. Not by any means. Her claws are out, elongated. She’s ready to
     kill if necessary; I see it in her eyes.
    She’s becoming more attractive to me by the second. Sexy as hell. I’m afraid to learn
     anything else about her. I inhale as the hunger thrums through me. It’s so powerful
     that I swear it’s leaking out of my skin. The air around us goes hot, suffocating.
    That determined expression falls off her face. One shaky inhale on her part, and her
     lashes flutter as she blinks.
    I need to tone this down. Doesn’t matter that my head and my cock are both pounding
     with hunger for her. It can’t happen.
    My lids get heavy. Against my will, I give her body a slow perusal. Her legs are tucked
     under her. Her thighs are unlike any I’ve ever seen. Smooth, firm, toned just right.
    For two seconds, my mind races ahead of me, and all I see is my hands clutching at
     those thighs, holding her still as I pound into her.
    I blink myself out of it. The reaction that image shoots through me has me close to
     jumping off the bed and running out of the room. I shouldn’t be on a bed with her.
     Period. Not when I want what I want this badly.
    There’s an almost invisible line running down the side of her thigh. My focus is drawn
     to it. I’m only able to see it is because of my advanced vision. She has another one on her other
     thigh and other areas of her body. Wherever they had to cut open to get inside her.
    Barely visible scars, identical to the ones I have running down the sides of my arms.
    Without thinking, I reach out and run the tip of my finger along the scar.
    Too late I realize that I’m not just touching her skin; I’m touching her thigh, for fuck’s sake.
    Sapphire gasps, eyes dropping to my finger. Almost immediately , those eyes go heavy-lidded on me. That blush is back, highlighting her cheekbones.
    My face burns. Fuck that, my entire body has been burning since I met this girl.
    Sapphire ducks her head. Her smooth, thick hair falls along her cheek. When her eyes
     move back toward my face, I have to restrain myself from grabbing her.
    Her eyes are dark. Full of hunger, the type I've seen in the eyes of many women before.
     It's a simple matter of fact, but none of them ever made me this wild with just a
    My rock-hard dick throbs in my jeans, demanding her.
    In return, her stare demands everything from me. All that I have to give.
    I'm so ready to give it to her. So damned ready. Whatever she wants; however she wants
    Fuck, fuck, fuck.
    The plane shakes all of a sudden. It lasts less than a second. We must have hit some
    I see how fast Sapphire's mind jumps from one emotion to the next and understand why.
     My brain works the same way. Our minds now process stimuli and emotions at three times
     the speed of an average human due to the implants in our brains. The same software
     and hardware packages that control our bionic limbs give us a whole new mental edge.
    Come to think of it, she's more advanced than I am. I can only imagine what's going
     on in that head of hers; how overwhelmed she must be. Especially when it comes to
     an emotion like fear. That shit is no joke.
    Just like that, the tigress ready to kill is gone, and the sweet, scared girl is back.
    That's right. Scared girl. Not horny girl.
    She was two seconds ago.
    Did I mention that I'm starting to hate myself, too?
    Once more, I’m forced to grit my teeth and ignore my body’s irrational reactions.
     “Come back here,” I tell her in a low voice, opening my arms again.
    Bad fucking idea on my end, but it worked to calm her down the first time, didn’t
    She doesn’t waste any time moving back over to me and leaning her head on my chest.
    I try my hardest not to be affected by any of it. I’ll give you two hints as to how
     that works out for me.
    Not. Well.


    “WHAT IS IT?” I storm past Gage, heading straight for the cockpit.
    “The engine is failing.

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