The Executioner

The Executioner by Suzanne Steele

Book: The Executioner by Suzanne Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele
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clearly lets me know that it isn’t me in danger, it’s the good doctor.
    “All we need is that twerp’s signature and you don’t need it because you can quit your job and embrace your new one.”
    “And what job would that be?”
    “Writing me bedtime stories, of course.”
    “Oh, so you have it all figured out that I’m quitting my job and letting you take care of me? I don’t think I’m giving that kind of power to any man.”
    “You don’t have a choice because I’m taking it. Now get started on my bedtime story.”

Chapter Seven
    Dr. Winslow
    I have no choice. They have boxed me in and forced me to extremes. I have been left with no one to study for my research. I don’t know why I didn’t see this clearly before now; any whore will work for my research. They are all the same—women—whores who use their beauty and sexual magnetism to get what they want. It doesn’t matter if they are some hooker off the street or a woman of high standing and breeding like my mother. She had no problem shipping me off to boarding school so she could fuck her many lovers, uninterrupted and right under my father’s unsuspecting nose. They are all the same—worthless whores.
    I need to find a woman I can keep. The reason Kansas had worked so well for my study was because she wasn’t the typical personality of a client who suffers with RAD. She has risen above her traumatic childhood and become a professional and successful woman in spite of it. I need someone who has no family or friends, someone who won’t be missed when they’re taken. They won’t be a challenge or threat because of lack of family and friends. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? I need to abduct someone to do this research. Kansas got away because she had a choice. I need a subject I can remove that choice from. It’s too bad I can’t use that bitch in prison. Nobody would miss that whore but, since she’s in the system, there’s a paper trail on her a mile long. Of course, whoever I choose, I will have to kill her when I’m finished. I can’t very well take a chance on someone going to the police once I have completed my research. Appearances in my line of work are of the utmost importance and no one will take my study seriously if they know how and with whom I’ve conducted it. Yes…it’s for the greater good of mankind that I do this research. Somehow, some way, I have to put a stop to what these women are doing to society.
    I convince myself that this is a necessary evil and I have no foresight to see that I am on a journey I tried to force others on. I am willing to kill in order to make my point. I am unknowingly, unwittingly boarding the crazy train…
    I quickly get up out of my office chair and make my way out the door. I feel renewed because I am now a man with purpose. This is the best Idea I could have come up with because there will be no one to share in the glory of my studies. I will go down in history as the true genius I am. I just need to get a few things prepared and I’ll be ready for my first real interview.

Chapter Eight
    I am already becoming accustomed to Kansas being here. For a man who has spent so much time and energy disconnecting from society, this is polar opposite behavior for me. It boils down to one thing: we meet a need in each other. I need to track, abduct, dominate, and ultimately take a woman, and she needs to be taken. I am a born predator and she is born prey.
    I insist she continue to write because I know there is something there. It doesn’t matter that she is writing something as menial as what I have come to term bedtime stories. The continuation of her fingers tapping the keys of a computer will ensure she is honing her craft. I want her to be the best she can be and I will make sure she does it under my watchful eye. I have no intention of letting her out of my sight; she is being held here. Like I said, we meet a need in one another.
    There is also the matter of her

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