The Faithless

The Faithless by Martina Cole

Book: The Faithless by Martina Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Cole
Tags: Fiction, General, Crime
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praying for a quick death.’
    All the men laughed now, and Jonny grinned as he said, ‘Fucking hell, Trevor, you’d glass your own granny if she owed you a fiver!’
    Trevor laughed good-naturedly then, lightening the mood once more as he said, ‘Nah, I love me granny and she’s too intelligent to borrow money from me in the first place!’
    Jimmy sat back in the chair, shocked at the conversation around him, and frightened now of the men who had welcomed him into their company and who he had liked and admired only a few minutes before.
    Jonny saw the way Jimmy was reacting to their banter and he put an arm around his shoulders. Then, winking at the men around him, he said loudly, ‘Enough! This is my soon-to-be brother-in-law, and he’s straighter than a copper’s parting.’
    Trevor leant towards Jimmy and said with a chuckle, ‘Oi, son, remember the old wartime slogan, careless talk costs lives!’
    It was a serious warning, and Jimmy knew it.
    ‘He won’t say a word, he’s sound is Jimmy.’
    Jimmy saw that, with those few words from Jonny, he was accepted without a murmur. And he also thought he understood now why Cynthia had such a problem with her sister’s intended. Jonny Parker was going places, and even Jimmy, who was as green as the proverbial grass where the criminal life was concerned, could see that much. It was also obvious that Celeste would be going with him, and that must be what was really causing Cynthia sleepless nights.
    Jimmy knew then that Jonny Parker wouldn’t be getting aneighteen any time soon. He was too shrewd for that. Jimmy also knew that he liked him, even if those last few moments had surprised him. Still, whatever he might be, Jonny Parker was a nice bloke.

‘You all right, Jimmy Boy?’
    Jonny Parker was laughing as Jimmy emptied his stomach into the lay-by. He rubbed Jimmy’s back and, when the retching eased off, he opened the boot of his Mercedes and got out a bottle of water.
    ‘Here y’are, mate, get that down you, you’ll feel better.’
    Jimmy drank the cool water gratefully. ‘I don’t drink that much normally.’
    Jonny laughed delightedly. ‘I should fucking hope not and all, your liver must be praying for a transplant.’
    Jimmy smiled and Jonny wondered at how this big man, who was a lump in many respects, had lumbered himself with someone like Cynthia. But he knew the answer to his own question; Cynthia was a looker, and she had that stuck-up way about her that attracted men. Jimmy had fallen for her, just as many a man before him had fallen for a prize bitch; it wasn’t till they were safely married that they showed their true colours. Jonny should know – his own mother had been a ball-breaker, and his father, a Face in his own right, a hard man, had still never been hard enough to put her in her place. She had dripped her poison in his earhole all day, every day and, eventually, that kind of treatment could bring down even the toughest of men. This poor sap didn’t stand a chance.
    Jimmy sat on the kerb and took a few deep breaths; the world was finally coming back into focus, and he was grateful for thatmuch at least. ‘I really enjoyed tonight, Jonny, but I think the strippers had best be kept a secret if you know what I mean!’
    ‘Well, I won’t be broadcasting it to the nation, mate. Celeste is an easy-going girl, but she ain’t that easy going!’ Jonny lit a cigarette and pulled on it deeply before settling himself beside Jimmy on the dirty kerbside.
    ‘She’s a lovely girl, Celeste, you got a good one there, Jonny.’
    ‘I know that, wouldn’t be marrying her otherwise.’
    Jimmy sighed heavily. ‘She’s kind is Celeste, very kind-hearted. My Gabriella loves her, which is just as well, because she spends more time with her than she does with her mother.’
    Jonny could hear the bitterness in Jimmy’s voice, and felt ashamed for the man’s weakness. ‘Well, Jimmy Boy, that’s not really any of my business, is it?’
    Jimmy shook

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