The Far Shore
come down myself at dawn.’
    Cassius decided to snuff out this idea immediately; the last thing he needed was a woman – this one in particular – getting in the way.
    ‘That won’t be necessary.’
    ‘Necessary? How well do you know this island, Master …’
    ‘Yes. Well?’
    ‘I’ve been here only a day, miss, but it is my duty to investigate this matter for the Service. Please, leave it in my hands. I promise to keep you informed.’
    ‘What if you catch the assassin? What will you do with him?’
    Her replies were so quick, so pointed. Cassius was unused to speaking to a woman who refused to give up the initiative in a conversation.
    ‘Miss, you must accept the possibility that we may not be able to find him.’
    ‘But if you do?’
    ‘I shall consult my superiors.’
    Cassius’s patience was rapidly wearing thin.
    ‘There will be no waiting around for weeks on end,’ Annia continued, her eyes now bright and wet with tears. ‘If you find him I want to see him. And then I want him killed. And I want to be there when it’s done. Is that understood?’
    ‘With the greatest of respect, Miss Annia, I do not answer to you.’
    ‘What rank do you hold in the Service?’
    Cassius couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The extremes of female behaviour were nothing new to him – he had three older sisters after all – but even taking into account the horrors of the day, this girl’s presumptuousness and arrogance were exceptional indeed.
    ‘Nominally that of centurion,’ he replied. ‘Not that it should be of concern to you.’
    ‘My father was deputy commander of the Service for almost a decade. He was dining with prefects and senators and protecting the Empire when you were nothing but a boy.’
    Cassius took a calming breath, then stood. ‘Your men will be coming back soon. I shall see if there’s any more to be learnt here, then return to the city. You and your family have my deepest sympathies, but if you address me like that again, I shall leave the investigation to the local magistrate and depart for Antioch at once.’
    ‘You wouldn’t dare. Your superiors—’
    ‘My superiors are a long, long way away. I am prepared to do all I can to help you, but I do not see why I should be subjected to such impertinence. Good day to you,
    Annia didn’t reply. As he reached the portico, Cassius heard her strike the bench.

    Half an hour later, he stood with Indavara and Trogus by the front door as the men filed through the gate and up to the villa. The sun was setting now, deep orange colouring the towers and roofs of the high citadel to the north.
    Indavara had just returned from checking the rest of the villa. He’d established that there were indeed numerous ways to approach the building from the rear, but with all the doors locked it would have been extremely difficult to get inside.
    As the men came to a halt, the surgeon – a balding, well-attired fellow – hurried forward. ‘I’m afraid I didn’t turn up anything useful myself, but I believe some of the men have information to report. I must see how Mistress Leonita is.’
    ‘Thank you, sir,’ said Trogus.
    As the surgeon went inside, Cassius turned to the men. ‘Now, if you think you’ve heard something of interest, raise your hand. Do not worry about whether a matter seems trivial. I shall decide what is important or relevant.’
    Of the eleven male staff, five raised their hands.
    Cassius started with the man furthest to the left, an aged individual with striking white hair. ‘You first.’
    ‘Sir, a lady in one of the villas opposite said she’d seen two strangers loitering by the gate three days ago – they were there for more than an hour.’
    ‘Did you get a description?’ asked Cassius.
    ‘She only saw them from—’
    Trogus interrupted. ‘They were tradesmen with an appointment to see me. We had guests so I had to keep them waiting. Men of good repute.’
    The old servant bowed.

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