example, it will show you if there starts to be a pattern where you don’t eat properly one day then
don’t feel like you have the energy to put in a good workout on the next. Or, if you overeat processed foods or drink excessive alcohol one week and then see an increase when you step on the
scales and/or measure yourself a few days later, it will be a lot harder to blame it on water retention. It’s not so easy to pretend to yourself that you can’t understand why the
numbers aren’t going in the right direction when the evidence is laid bare in front of you.
It’s not all ‘stick’ and no carrot though. The best thing about keeping a Fat Burn Revolution journal is that it’s highly motivational and becomes a record of achievement
you can be very proud of. As well as logging what you eat, you should also document the details (weights used, rep counts, how you felt, etc.) of each workout you do. One reason for this is to
allow you to see the relationship between what you eat and your performance in your workouts. But the fun thing about it is that by recording what you achieve in each of your workouts you will be
setting yourself a target to beat in your next session.
If you have a week where the scales do not show any signs of progress, you may still have a victorious workout or two, or vice versa. People often don’t notice their fitness and strength
improving but seeing the details on paper gives sold proof that their commitment is paying off. On the practical side, it also saves time messing about finding the right weights for each exercise
at the start of every session and can also help with meal planning.
Writing things down is a very comforting, cathartic experience for a lot of people too. Recording your feelings and experiences may help you to stay calm and give you space to remember why you’re doing all this. It’s important to look back often and appreciate the
wonderful changes you’re making for yourself and those you care about.
Every workout is an opportunity to shed fat and sculpt your body
the dreaded ‘Before’ shot
N ow it’s time to take your Before photo.
This is probably not going to be much fun for you, I know. But that’s OK, no one likes it, just do it anyway.
Most people hate seeing their Before shot. But I can assure you that they are an incredibly effective aid to fat loss. These images dissolve the fuzz of denial which descends when people tell
themselves that their poor diet and lack of exercise doesn’t matter. Looking at your Before photo will force you to face the reality of the current condition of your body. But there’s
no need to be down on yourself if you’re shocked or unhappy about what you see. You should smile because now you have leverage that is going to help you make changes. And the benefits of
those changes are going to spread far and wide throughout many aspects of your life. This a goodbye photo, remember, you are on the road to the Fat Burn Revolution.
Some of the participants in the pilot programme stored their Before photos on their phones and looked at them whenever the thought of straying off-course entered their heads. Seeing the shots
provided a potent reminder of their goals. This worked really well for them. It worked at the beginning of the programme by helping to remind them that they have work to do to get the body they
wanted and later in the programme it served as an encouraging reminder of how far they’d come in just a handful of weeks.
You don’t have to show the photograph to anyone else if you don’t want to. But when you have slimmed down and toned up you may find you want to share it so other people who are
feeling the same way you did at the start can see the changes the Fat Burn Revolution could make to them. When that day comes I’d love to hear from you and will be happy to publish your
photos on my website.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, before that can happen we have work to
Emily Goodwin, Marata Eros
Amber Leigh Williams
Mimi Barbour
Jacqueline Diamond, Marin Thomas, Linda Warren, Leigh Duncan
Quentin Bates
Mikhail Shishkin
Jamie Zeppa
Emma Husher
Jonathan Lazar
Sophronia Belle Lyon